4. Salvia santolinifolia Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. Nov. 1, 5: 13. 1844. Benth. in DC., Prodr. 12: 356. 1848; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 656. 1885; Blatter et al. in Journ. Ind. Bot. 1: 235. 1921; Peter-Stibal in Feddes Repert. 39: 182. 1936; Mukerjee in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 14, 1: 108. 1940; Jafri, Fl. Karachi 292. 1966; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 632. 1972; Hedge in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 150: 427, t. 462, 463. 1982.
Vern.: "Shwanko".
I.C. Hedge
Suffruticose much branched herb. Stems with an often gnarled woody base, leafy, erect, 10-25 cm tall, eglandular below with often retrorse long hairs, glandular above. Leaves borne ± erect to erect-spreading linear in outline with a sinuate-convolute margin and apparently or indeed pinnatifid, 5-13 x 1.5-3.5 mm, white canescent below with glandular and eglandular hairs and sessile oil globules, petiolate. Inflorescence with usually several, 1-2-flowered distant or approximating verticillasters. Bracts and bracteoles present. Pedicels in flower 1.5 mm elongating to 2.5 mm and recurved in fruit. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 3-4 mm in flower and c. 5 mm in fruit, with a dense indumentum of very long white spreading eglandular hairs, shorter capitate glandular hairs and sessile oil globules; upper lip of ± connivent acuminate-spinulose teeth. Corolla mauve, pink to lilac often with darker markings, 5-6 mm; upper lip straight much shorter than lower. Lower theca fertile; staminodes prominent. Nutlets smooth, black, ovoid-trigonous, c. 1.5 x l mm.
Fl. Per.: February-May (and later).
Type: Iran, in desertis ad Sinum Persicum, Aucher-Eloy 5214 [halo G!].
Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.
A frequent plant in many parts of Pakistan, growing in a wide variety of habitats (sandy plains, rocky slopes, wadis, shale slopes, roadsides and in cultivated fields). This and the following 4 species (together with others not in our area) form a very natural species-group; all are shrubby species with small flowers and similar nutlets. Aspects of their anatomical structure were dealt with by Bokhari & Hedge (in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 35: 377-389. 1977).
See comments on Salvia halaensis at the end of the account.