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Codiaeum variegatum var. variegatum


  • Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum (Lodd.) Muell. Arg.
  • Croton pictus Lodd.
  • Croton variegatus L.

    A much-branched shrub 60-150 cm tall. Twigs pale brownish-grey. Leaf-scars ± circular. Young parts evenly pubescent to subglabrous. Petioles 1-2.5 cm long. Leaf-blades variously-shaped (see generic description), 5-27 x 1-5 cm, obtuse to acute, sometimes aristate, rounded-cuneate to ± attenuate, entire, chartaceous to coriaceous, lateral nerves often numerous, glabrous, shiny, variously marked and pigmented, occasionally concolorous. Stipules minute or 0. Male inflorescences (10-) 15-35 cm long; basal orbicular leaf (when present) 2 x 2 cm; bracts minute. Male flowers: pedicels 1-2 cm long; sepals suborbicular, concave, 2-3 x 2-3 mm, glabrous, greenish- or yellowish-white; petals bilobate, 1 mm long; disc-glands 5, turbinate, truncate, fluted; stamens 20-40, filaments 4 mm long, white, anthers 0.5 mm long, yellow. Female inflorescences 7-10 cm long, otherwise resembling the ♂. Female flowers: pedicels 1-2 mm long; sepals 1 x 1 mm, otherwise as in the ♂; disc c. 1 mm diam.; ovary ovoid-conical, c. 1 x 1 mm, glabrous; styles 3-4 mm long, simple, recurved or spreading. Fruit trilobate-subglobose, 5-7 x 8-9 mm, smooth, thin-walled. Seeds subglobose, 4-6 x 4-6 mm, ± smooth, reddish-brown, marbled.

    Type: Plate 25 in Rumphius, Herb. Amb. 4: 68. 1743!.

    Pax recognizes 7 forms in Codiaeum variegatum var. variegatum. Material cultivated in Pakistan so far seen is referable to 3 of the these, viz.:

    Lower Taxa

    Related Synonym(s):


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