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Pakistan | Family List | Liliaceae | Gagea

2. Gagea vvedenskyi Grossh. in Kom., Fl. URSS. 4: 737, 107, tab. 6, fig. 19. 1935. Vved. in Opred. Rast. Sredn. Asii, 2: 36.1971; Wendelbo et Rech.f., l. c. 45. t. 28. (Fig. 6, E-T).

S. I. Ali and I.G. Levichev

Gagea vvedenskyi

Credit: I.G. Levichev

Bulb obliquely-dro p-shaped, covered by dark grey, fiber-l ike tunics continued in a short neck, without sclerified roots. Vegetative bulbils in the form of dense group, are formed only in juvenile stages, dark grey, faceted, longitudinally-wrinkled. Peduncle in T.S. roundish. Basal leaf single, exceeding the inflorescence, angular in T.S., gradually diminishing, c. 1 mm broad. Leaves on the peduncle alternate, longer than the lower inflorescences, at the base hardly expanded, linear. Inflorescence branched, 1-3-flowered, pedicels during flowering get extended. Tepals spear-shaped, rounded at the tip, 8 mm long, 2-2.5 mm broad, enlarged during flowering., yellow inside, greenish outside, internal tepals are slightly shorter than the external. Anthers yellow. Ovary oblong, sessile. Capsule hardly shorter than the perianth, oblong. Seeds fine, flat.

Fl. Per.: July

Lectotype (designated here): [Pamiro-Alai] montes Czul-Bair, cacumen Chodzha-Burku, 6 VII 1929 A. Vvedenskyi 442 (TASH 32629!).

Distribution: Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan, S.W. Xinjiang (Taxkorgan), Afghanistan, Pakistan; N.W. India.


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