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Pakistan | Family List | Liliaceae | Gagea

17. Gagea mergalahensis Ali et Levichev, sp. nov. (Fig. 14, C).

S. I. Ali and I.G. Levichev

Gagea mergalahensis

Credit: I.G. Levichev

Affinitas. A Gagea conjungens (Pascher) Wendelbo radicibus sclerificatis crassis nullis, a Gagea rawalpindica Levichev et Ali antheris flavis, a Gagea pakistanica Levichev et Ali foliis inflorescentia paucis, a Gagea schugnanica Levichev et Navruzshoev stolone in statu generativo, a his speciebus quattuor foliis radicalibus arcuatis differt.

Differs from Gagea conjungens (Pascher) Wendelbo in the absence of thick sclerified roots, from Gagea rawalpindica Levichev et Ali in the yellow anthers, from Gagea pakistanica Levichev et Ali in hav ing fewer leaves in the inflorescence, from Gagea schugnanica Levichev et Navruzshoev by the presence of stolon in generative stages, from all the four species by hav ing arcuate basal leaves.

Plantae nanae, 3-6 cm alt.,

Plantae nanae, 3-6 cm alt., solitariae. Bulbus 4-8 mm in diam., ovoideus, tunicis pallide fuscis, fibrillosis tectus. Specimina generativa bulbillis destituta, bulbus succedaneus interdum stolonem brevem (ad 1 cm lg.) verticaliter deorsum directum fo rmat, plantae juveniles bulbillos vegetativos (1-?) in stolone horizontali (1-? cm lg., infractum) formant. Pedunculus 0.5-2 cm lg., in terra sepultus. Folium radicale solitarium, lineare, gramineum, ad 1 mm lt., arcuatum, inflorescentia subduplo longius. Folia pedunculo verticillata, inferius inflorescentia longius, ca 1 mm lt., superiora decrescentia. Inflorescentia 2–5-flora, pedicellis maxime inaequalibus, 1-20 mm lg. Perianthii phylla lineari-lanceolata, apice attenuata, sub anthesi elongata, 8-15 mm lg., 1.5-2 mm lt., intus flava, extus purpureo-viridia, exteriora longiora et latiora. Antherae pallide flavae, dehiscentes rotundato-oblongae. Capsula ignota.

Plants single, undersized, 3-6 cm in height. Bulb 4-8 mm in diameter, oviform, covered by light-brown, fiber-l ike tunics. Generative specimens without the bulbils, sometimes the replacing bulb forms short (up to 1 cm) vertically downwards directed stolon, juvenile plants form vegetative bulbils on a horizontal stolon (1-? cm long, which gets broken off). Peduncle 0.5-2 cm long, covered by soil. Basal leaf single, linear, grass-l ike, c. 1 mm broad, arcuate, almost twice as long as the inflorescence. Leaves on peduncle verticillate, lower c. 1 mm broad, longer than the inflorescence, upper diminishing in size. Inflorescence 2-5-flowered, pedicels very unequal, 1-20 mm long. Tepals linear-lanceolate, tip pointed, elongating at anthesis, 8-15 mm long, 1.5-2 mm broad, yellow within, purple-greenish outside, outer tepals longer and broader. Anthers pale yellow, dehiscence roundish-oblong. Capsule unknown.

Fl. Per.: February-March.

Holotypus: Punjab, Mergalah, 26 Martii 1955, Majida Akhtar 45-bis (RAW!).

Distribution: Pakistan (Punjab), N. W. India.


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