Affinitas. A Gagea tenera Pascher, a Gagea absurda Levichev, a Gagea rubinae Ali et a Gagea kunawurensis (Royle) Greuter bulbi tunicis interioribus albulis et bulbillo vegetativo nigro, semper solitario, ruguloso differt.
Plantae graciles, tenues, 10-23 cm alt., solitariae vel in paucos greges congestae. Bulbus oblique guttiformis, 5-8 mm in diam., sine radicibus sclerificatis, tunicis tenuiter coriaceis, exterioribus fuscis, interioribus pallide fuscescentibus tectus. Bulbillus vegetativus solitarius, semiguttiformis, fere niger, a facie affixa planus, stria verticali pallida ornatus, facie exteriore rugulosus in statu immaturo et in statu generativo ineunte formatus. Pedunculus 6-15 cm lg., sectione compresso-rotundatus, ca 1 mm in diam. Folium radicale solitarium, lineare, fistulosum, sectione truncato-teres, ca 1 mm in diam. Folia pedunculo alterna, sub inflorescentia plerumque bifoliata, sequentia linearia, decrescentia, quorum infimus anguste lanceolato-lineare, 2–3 mm lt., in cuspidem longam cylindricam attenuatum, inflorescentiae dimidium non attingens. Inflorescentiaa paniculata, laxa, (1)3-8-flora, pedicellis inaequilongis. Perianthii phylla anguste lanceolata, 8-10 mm lg., 1.5-2 mm lt., intus pallide flava, extus viridia, obtusata, exteriora vix breviora, post anthesin non elongata. Antherae flavae, dehiscentes ovales, ca 1 mm lg. Capsula obovoidea, basi angustata, perianthio subduplo minor. Semina brunneo-opaca, incurvato-teretia.
Differs from Gagea tenera Pascher, Gagea absurda Levichev, Gagea rubinae Ali et Gagea kunawurensis (Royle) Greuter in hav ing the inner tunics of the bulb light pale and always a single black, wrinkled vegetative bulbil.
Plants thin, slender, 10-23 cm in height, single and in small groups. Bulb obliquely-dro p-shaped, 5-8 mm in diameter, without sclerified roots, covered by thin-coriaceous, externally brown and light-brownish inside tunics. Vegetative bulbil single, semi-dro p-shaped, almost black, attachment surface - flat with vertical light strip, on an external surface - wrinkled, formed in immature and in the beginning generative stages. Peduncle 6-15 cm long, pressed-roundish in T.S., c. 1 mm in diameter. Basal leaf one, linear, fistular, tru ncated-roundish in T.S., c. 1 mm in diameter. Leaves on peduncle alternate,usually two of them are located below the inflorescence, lower is narrowly lanceolate-linear, 2-3 mm broad, gradually narrowed to long cylindrical tip, less than half the length of the inflorescence, upper diminishing, linear. Inflorescence paniculate, easily crumbled, (1)3-8-flowered, flowers on pedicels of different lengths. Tepals narrowly-lanceolate, 8-10 mm long, 1.5-2 mm broad, pale yellow inside, green outside, dulled, external tepals are hardly shorter, not extending after flowering. Anthers yellow, dehiscence oviform, about 1 mm long. Capsule obovate, narrowed to the base, hardly less than half the length of perianth. Seeds dull brown, curved, terete.
Fl. Per.: June(?)-August
Holotypus: SO India, Jammu et Kashmir State, Ladakh, Zanskar: ad meridiem ab oppido Padum, vicus Ralakung ad Ralakung La, 4400 m supra mare, 33°45'N, 76°41.5'E, code: 03-18-1, 29.8.2003, L. Klimeš 3324 (PRA!, isotype LE!)
Paratypus: SO India, Jammu et Kashmir State, Ladakh, Zanskar: ad meridiem ab oppido Padum, vicus Chumu River, 4030-4060 m supra mare, 33°46.76'N, 76°28.51'E, code: 04-26-9, 31.8.2004, L. Klimeš 4320 (RAW!)
Holotype: NW India, Jammu and Kashmir State, Ladakh, Zanskar: S of Padum, Ralakung village to Ralakung La, 4400 m a.s.l., 33°45'N, 76°41.5'E, code: 03-18-1, 29.8.2003, L. Klimeš 3324 (PRA!, isotype LE!).
Paratype: NW India, Jammu and Kashmir State, Ladakh, Zanskar: S of Padum, Chumu River valley, 4030-4060 m a.s.l., 33°46.76'N, 76°28.51'E, code: 04-26-9, 31.8.2004, L. Klimeš 4320 (RAW!).
Distribution: Presently known only from Kashmir (Ladakh).
Species in honorem florae Himalaicae Ladakh bohemici exploratoris cl. Leos Klimešii nominata est.
The species is named in honour of Leos Klimes, the Czech researcher of the flora of Ladakh in Himalayas.