15. Delphinium tenuipes Tamura in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 16:141. 1956. in Kitam., Fl. Afghan. 125. 1960, Munz in J. Arn. Arb. 48:538. 1967, Stewart, Ann. Catalogue Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 268. 1972, Qureshi & Chaudhri in Pak. Syst. 4(1-2):60.1988.
National Herbarium, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Plant c. 1 m high, simple, glabrous above, base white hairy. Petioles of basal and lower cauline leaves 8-10 cm long, Leaf-blade broadly reniform, 7-9 cm wide, 3-partite to near base, lateral segments 2-partite, all segments cuneate-obovate, pinnatifid into oblong or ovate-oblong lobes, glabrous above, sparsely white hairy beneath. Upper leaves glabrous, petioles 3-4 cm, leaf blade tripartite, lateral segments 2-partite, 1-3-toothed or entire. Racemes lax, branches with up to 20-22 blue flowers. Bracts 2.5-5 mm long, linear. Pedicel 15-45 mm, arcuate ascending, with glandular yellow hairs. Bracteoles 2 mm, attached above the middle of pedicel. Sepal glabrous, blue, 9-11 x 3-5 mm, spur 10-11 x c. 2 mm, gibberulate below the apex. Upper petals glabrous, limb c. 8 mm, entire, slightly oblique, lower petals bifid, white-bearded. Carpels 3, viscid hairy.
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Type: Afghanistan, Nuristan, Chatras, 2100 m, 2.8.1953, Kitamura s.n. (KYO).
B-7 Swat: Kalam to Utrot, 7000', R.R. Stewart & A. Rahman 25229 (RAW), id., M.A. Siddiqi & A.R. Beg 25125 (RAW).
Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan.
Not common. Resembling Delphinium roylei, but distinguishd from it by the glandular hairs on the stem, pedicel and fruit. In Delphinium roylei the stem is appressed pubescent.