Anthocephalus auct. non A. Rich.
Large glabrous and deciduous trees, branches drooping. Leaves opposite, petiolate, coriaceous, glabrous, stipules large, lanceolate, interpetiolar and caducous. Flowers in compact, glabrous, terminal and solitary pedunculate capitulum, ebracteate, united by confluent calyx-tubes. Hypanthium obconic or tubular, teeth 5, linear-oblong, or spathulate. Corolla tube long, tubular or infundibulous, throat glabrous, lobes 5, long-linear, imbricate, 2 limbs outermost. Stamens 5, inserted in the mouth of corolla, filaments short, anthem ovate-linear-oblong, apiculate, disc obscure. Ovary basally 2-locular but 4-locular above, style filiform, exserted, stigma spindle-shaped, ovules numerous, placentation horizontal on 2-fid placentas. Fruit aggregate of capsules, many-few seeded, subcoriaceous, fruiting head rather fleshy. Seeds minute, testa membranous.
A small genus of 2 species, distributed in Indo-Malayan region, Pacific and Australia. In Pakistan represented by one cultivated species.