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BFNA | Family List | BFNA Vol. 1 | Pottiaceae | Didymodon

Didymodon rigidulus var. subulatus (Thériot & E. B. Bartram) R. H. Zander, Cryptogamie, Bryol. Lichénol. 2: 395. 1981.

  • Didymodon mexicanus var. subulatus Thériot & E. B. Bartram

    Stem leaves appressed to weakly spreading when dry, long-lanceolate, evenly broadened, long-oval; costa excurrent as a subula; proximal cells rectangular; distal laminal cells smooth, with quadrate lumens, lamina 2-stratose in distal 1/2--3/4; gemmae absent. Peristome teeth short, rudimentary, of 16 oval teeth with 1--2(--4) articulations.

    Capsule maturity unknown. Rocks, ledges, soil, canyons; 1000--2000 m; Ariz., Tex.; Mexico.

    This variety is similar to var. icmadophilus in leaf shape and most other characters, and intergrades occur. It may be regarded as a somewhat distinctive geographical variant.


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