Zygodon menziesii (Schwaegrichen) Arnott, Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris. 5: 233. 1827.
Codonoblepharon menziesii SchwaegrichenZygodon drummondii Taylor
Plants 0.3--10 cm. Stem leaves loosely incurved-twisted when dry, erect-spreading to spreading when moist, oblong, 1.2--1.8 mm, acute; margins entire; costa with abaxial side covered by quadrate papillose cells at apex; distal laminal cells 7--13 µm wide, smooth, somewhat thick-walled; basal laminal cells short-rectangular; gemmae fusiform to elliptic, transverse walls absent in North American material. Sexual condition dioicous. Sporophytes not know in North America.
Trees in the San Francisco area; Calif.; s South America; Australia; Pacific Islands (New Zealand).
The smooth leaf cells distinguish this species from all others of the genus in the area. Here for simplicity I have retained it in Zygodon, but it probably belongs in a separate genus, Condonoblepharon.
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