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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Zeuxine Lindl.


LEOU, Chong-Sheng

Terrestrial or rarely epiphytic herbs. Stem erect or ascending from short or long creeping base, fleshy, nodose, leafy upward. Leaves petiolate and sheathing at base or rarely sessile, chartaceous or membranaceous, green or with white stripe along midrib, fleshy and spreading or more often withered and pendent at anthesis. Inflorescence terminal, peduncle often hairy, sheathed below; spikes with few to many flowers; bracts membranaceous, often hairy, rarely glabrous. Flowers resupinate; ovaries hairy or glabrous; sepals free, hairy or glabrous, dorsal one concave, erect, lateral ones hardly spreading, rarely patent; petals thin, appressed to dorsal sepal forming hood; lip either undivided and entire or 3lobed at apex, or more often tripartite, hypochile saccate, bearing papillae of varied shapes within, mesochile claw-like, without lateral flange, epichile dilated and bilobed; column stout, erect, dimidiate cylindrical or subcylindrical, lateral side broad and smooth or thin and wing-like, ventral side with pair of keels or wings, or transversely elevated low ridge; anther terminal on dorsal side of column, 2-celled; pollinia 2, ovoid-clavate or cylindrical, each 2-partite, sectile, joined together or separated at tapered ends and attached to large tegula stipe, stipe subequal in length to pollinia or longer, narrower or broader; stigma 2, on lateral or ventral side of rostellum; restellum long, cleft, often bent to front; viscidium on ventral side of tegula stipe.

About 50 species in the tropics and subtropics of the Old World. Ten species in Taiwan.

Lower Taxa

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