Dendranthema boreale var. tomentellum (Hand.-Mazz.) Kitam.
Stems tufted, erect, 1-1.5 m long, branched in upper part, prominently silver-pubescent. Median cauline leaves thin, oblong-ovate, 6-7×5-6 cm, base slightly cordate to truncate, abruptly narrowed into petiole, margins pinnately parted, lateral segments of 2 pairs, oblong, obtuse, dentate, with a broad sinus at base, loosely pubescent above, silvery white-pubescent beneath, petioles 1-2 cm long. Heads many, about 15 mm across, nodding after anthesis, arranged in terminal pseudo-umbels; involucres about 4 mm long, 8 mm wide, bracts 3-4-seriate, outer linear or narrowly oblong, pubescent, inner oblong or elliptic, with membranaceous margins. Ray florets: corolla yellow, 5-7×1.5-2 mm. Disc florets: corolla yellow, 3 mm long, apex 5-lobed. Achenes about 1 mm long.
HSINCHU: Chupei, Lienhuassu, Peng 9493.
China. Taiwan, locally distributed in Hsinchu, on low coastal hills, rare.