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Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul.


Dendranthema arisanense

Credit: HAST

Perennial herbs or subshrubs with pinnatisect, lobed, serrate, or rarely entire leaves. Heads laxly corymbose or solitary, radiate. Involucral bracts in 4-5 series, generally with dark brown margins. Receptacle convex to conical. Ray florets pistillate, fertile, white, pink or yellowish. Disc corolla tube generally with sessile glands. Apical anther appendage subtirangular. Achenes obovoid, faintly 5- to 8-ribbed, thin-walled. Pappus wanting.

About 30 species mainly distributed in Japan and China; five species in Taiwan.


1 Heads solitary on shoot apex, peduncles elongate, to 20 cm long; corolla of ray floret white.   (2)
+ Heads several to many, in corymbs or false umbels, usually short-pedunculate; corolla of ray floret yellow.   (3)
2 (1) Plants ascending; leaves palmately 3- or 5-lobed, the lobes subentire; ray corolla 12-18 mm long.   Dendranthema morii
+ Plants erect; leaves pinnati-lobed, the lobes crenate or dentate; ray corolla 6-10 mm long.   Dendranthema horaimontana
3 (1) Leaves pinnately cleft; heads in loose corymbs.   Dendranthema indicum
+ Leaves pinnately parted; heads in false umbels.   (4)
4 (3) Lower surfaces of leaves silver-white tomentose; outermost involucral bracts narrowly oblong or ovate-oblong.   Dendranthema arisanense
+ Lower surfaces of leaves grayish-white tomentose; outermost involucral bracts linear or narrowly oblong.   var. tomentellum

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