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Potentilla megalantha Takeda

Potentilla megalantha

Credit: Tatyana Shulkina

Taprooted and rhizomatous plant, with flower stems 10-20 cm. Vegetatives shoots abbreviated, numerous, with green leaves throughout the year. Leaves ternate, 5-15 x 3-15 cm, silver-grey, softly pubescent. Flowers bright yellow, large, 4-5 cm diam. V - new growth early spring (April in St. Petersburg) to mid summer. Fl - May-June for 3 weeks. Fr - July. P - by seed, flowers the next year, also may be propagated by cuttings. Plant in a sunny place in the rock garden. Avoid places with wet soil. Z 4.

Far East (southern Kamchatka, Sakhalin), Japan and China. In hills on stony slopes.


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