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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Meliaceae

7. Munronia Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1(5): [1]. 1838.

地黄连属 di huang lian shu

Authors: Hua Peng & Bruce Bartholomew

Shrublets or small shrubs. Stem usually not branched. Leaves in spirals, odd-pinnate, trifoliolate, or simple, when compound lateral leaflets opposite; leaf blade or leaflet blades with margin entire or sparsely crenate. Flowers bisexual, few in axillary thyrses or solitary. Sepals 5, basally connate or distinct, imbricate in bud. Petals 5, much longer than sepals, basal half connate into a tube, apically distinct. Staminal tube cylindric, base adnate with corolla tube, apex distinct, margin 10-lobed; anthers 10, oblong, basifixed, alternate with tube teeth, introrse. Disk tubular, ± as high as ovary, membranous. Ovary 5-locular, ovoid, with 2 superposed ovules per locule; style elongated, slender; stigma capitate, apex 5-lobed. Capsule 5-ridged, 5-loculicidal, with 1 or 2 seeds per locule, puberulent; pericarp thinly leathery, detached from 5-winged axis. Seeds with bony tegument; endosperm thin; cotyledons oblate, rounded; radicle short.

Three species: tropical and subtropical Asia; two species in China.

The third species, Munronia humilis (Blanco) Harms, is a simple leafed species that occurs in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

1 Leaves simple or extremely rarely those on apical part of branches trifoliolate.   1 M. unifoliolata
+ Leaves odd-pinnate with (3 or)5-9(or more) leaflets.   2 M. pinnata

Lower Taxa


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