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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae

158. Ononis Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 716. 1753.

芒柄花属 mang bing hua shu

Perennial herbs or shrubs, usually glandular and villous, sometimes spiny. Leaves pinnately 1-3(-5)-foliolate, lateral often reduced or absent; stipules herbaceous, usually adnate to petiole, cauline stipules basally connate, bifid; stipels absent; leaflets toothed, lateral veins extending into teeth. Flowers 1-3 in short axillary racemes; peduncle often bristlelike; floral leaves sometimes reduced to bracts with flowers crowded into a spike. Calyx campanulate or tubular; teeth ± equal. Petals free from staminal tube, claw short; keel ± beaked. Stamens monadelphous; filaments dilated at apex; anthers dimorphic, alternately basifixed and dorsifixed. Ovary shortly stipitate; ovules 2 to many. Legume linear-oblong or ovate. Seed reniform, smooth or punctate.

About 75 species: N Africa, SW Asia, Europe; four species (two introduced) in China.

1 Flowers yellow; legume linear-oblong, 10-25 mm.   4 O. natrix
+ Flowers pink, reddish purple, or purple; legume ovate to elliptic or rhomboid, more than 10 mm   (2)
2 (1) Plants without spines; flowers in pairs at nodes in dense leafy racemes.   2 O. arvensis
+ Plants with spines; flowers usually solitary at nodes in lax leafy racemes   (3)
3 (2) Corolla 6-10 mm, equal to or slightly longer than calyx.   1 O. antiquorum
+ Corolla 10-20 mm, 1.5-2 × as long as calyx.   3 O. spinosa

Lower Taxa


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