2. Ononis arvensis Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10. 2: 1159. 1759.
芒柄花 mang bing hua
Ononis hircina Jacquin; O. repens Linnaeus subsp. arvensis (Linnaeus) Greuter; O. spinosa Linnaeus subsp. arvensis (Linnaeus) Greuter & Burdet.
Perennial herbs, shrubby, 30-80 cm tall, with glandular and simple hairs. Stem straight, longitudinally ridged, much branched, unarmed. Leaves 3-foliolate, at apical part of stem 1-foliolate; stipules 6-10 mm, equal to petiole; terminal leaflet ovate to broadly oblong, 15-30 × 5-15 mm, subsessile, base rounded to broadly cuneate, apex acute, lateral leaflets ca. 1/2 length of terminal one, glandular and villous on both surfaces, more dense abaxially. Flowers in dense, terminal, leafy racemes, (1 or)2 at nodes; pedicel short. Calyx 8-12 mm; teeth 3-4 × as long as tube. Corolla red with purple stripes, rarely white, 10-20 mm. Legume broadly oblong or ovoid, ca. 7 × 5-6 mm, hidden in calyx, apex slightly reflexed. Seeds 2-4, tuberculate. Fl. and fr. Jun-Aug.
Moist sandy soil in meadows. Xinjiang, Xizang [Afghanistan, Kashmir; C and SW Asia, C and N Europe].
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