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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Ranunculaceae | Adonis

3. Adonis sutchuenensis Franchet, Bull. Soc Philom. Paris. 6: 89. 1894.

蜀侧金盏花 shu ce jin zhan hua

Plants perennial. Stems (15--)25--40 cm tall, branched or unbranched, basally and lower stem with membranous sheath; sheath leaflike, apically parted. Leaves with petiole to 5 cm; leaf blade ovate-pentagonal, 3.5--6.8 × 5--8 cm, 3-sect, glabrous; leaflets 2 × pinnately divided; ultimate segments teeth acute. Flowers (2--)3.5--4(--4.8) cm in diam. Sepals ca. 6, pale green, usually oblanceolate, 7--12 mm, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Petals 8--12, yellow, oblanceolate to oblong-oblanceolate, (1--) 1.5--2(--2.4) cm. Stamens ca. 1/3 as long as petals. Ovary sparsely pubescent. Styles short or inconspicuous; stigma globose. Fl. Apr--Jun.

* Forests, among shrubs, grassy slopes; 1100--3300 m. S Shaanxi, N Sichuan.


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