9. Pulsatilla tenuiloba (Turczaninow ex Hayek) Juzepczuk, Fl. URSS. 7: 298. 1937.
细裂白头翁 xi lie bai tou weng
Anemone tenuiloba Hayek, Festschr. Z. Feier. D. Siebzigst. Geburtst. Prof. Dr. Ascher 472. 1904.
Plants (8--)15--20 cm tall. Rhizome thick, with dried remains of previous year’s leaves. Leaves appearing before flowering, sparsely white puberulent; petiole ca. 2.5 cm; leaf blades narrowly oblong, ca. 5 × 2 cm, with 5 or 6 leaflets, 2 or 3 × pinnately divided, each lobe narrowly linear, 0.5--1 mm wide, apex acute. Scapes (1 or)2 or 3, thickly white puberulent at anthesis, sparsely white puberulent in fruit; involucral bracts deeply 3-lobed, each lobe further pinnately divided, lobes narrowly linear, 0.5--1 mm wide, abaxially thickly white puberulent, adaxially glabrous. Sepals violet, narrowly oblong-ovate, 2--3 × 0.6--1 cm, hairy abaxially, glabrous adaxially. Stamens ca. 1/2 as long as sepals; anthers yellow. Ovary thickly puberulent. Achenes obovate-oblong. Persistent styles ca. 2 cm, thickly puberulent proximally, glabrous apically. Fl. Jun--Jul.
Rocky grasslands. Nei Mongol [Mongolia, Russia (W Siberia)].
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