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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 16 | Apocynaceae | Rauvolfia

6. Rauvolfia tiaolushanensis Tsiang, Sci. Rep. Kwantung Coll. Forest. 1: 10. 1962.

吊罗山萝芙木 diao luo shan luo fu mu

Shrubs to 1 m tall. Stems dark brown. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3 or 4; petiole ca. 8 mm; leaf blade elliptic to oblong, 8-17 X 1.6-4 cm, lateral veins inconspicuous. Cymes ca. 2 cm; peduncle ca. 6 mm. Calyx lobes ca. 2.5 mm. Corolla yellow, tube cylindric, ca. 8 2 mm, dilated at throat, pubescent inside; lobes oblong or ovate, ca. 3.5 X 2.5 mm. Stamens inserted at corolla throat; filaments short; anthers broadly ovate, base rounded, apex short acuminate; disc cup-shaped, shorter than ovary. Ovaries distinct. Style filiform; pistil head club-shaped to capitate, base with a ringlike membrane. Drupes distinct, ellipsoid, 1-1.7 cm X 5-8 mm. Fl. Mar, fr. May.

* Montane forests; 300-600 m. Hainan (Baoting, Waning).


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