14. Pedicularis dolichocymba Handel-Mazzetti, Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., Anz. 57: 102. 1920.
长舟马先蒿 chang zhou ma xian hao
Pedicularis macrocalyx Bonati.
Herbs perennial, 13--40 cm tall. Stems rarely branched, longitudinally grooved, with lines of brown hairs. Leaves alternate, sessile; basal leaves scalelike; stem leaves ovate-oblong to lanceolate-oblong, 2.5--6 X 0.3--2 cm, middle leaves largest, abaxially sparsely villous along midvein, adaxially densely brown pubescent along midvein, margin lobed or double dentate. Inflorescences capitate and 3- or 4-flowered to short racemose and more than 10-flowered, elongating to 12 cm in fruit; bracts leaflike. Calyx ca. 9 mm; lobes 5, ovate, serrate. Corolla deep rose to blackish purple, 2.3--2.8 cm; tube ca. 1.5 X as long as calyx, glabrous; galea sparsely pubescent, margin densely bearded; lower lip much shorter than galea. Filaments glabrous. Capsule compressed, ovoid, to 2 cm X 9 mm, apex acute. Fl. Aug, fr. Aug--Sep.
* Alpine meadows, rocky slopes, among boulders; 3500--4300 m. W Sichuan, E Xizang, NW Yunnan.
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