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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 22 | Poaceae | Pleioblastus

6. Pleioblastus altiligulatus S. L. Chen & S. Y. Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 21: 407. 1983.

高舌苦竹 gao she ku zhu

Culms 2–5 m, to 1.5 cm in diam.; internodes green, cylindrical, ca. 24 cm, basally slightly concave above branches, smooth, densely glaucous, glabrous, nearly solid, pith lamellate; supra-nodal ridge more elevated than sheath scar. Culm sheaths green, glabrous, margins ciliate; auricles absent; ligules prominent, ca. 3 mm, glaucous; blade pendulous, purple-red at margins and apex, lanceolate, revolute. Leaves 2–4 per ultimate branch; auricles absent; ligule ca. 3.5 mm; blade elliptic-lanceolate, 12–17 × 1.4–2.5 cm, shortly hairy, abaxially pilose proximally and along midrib, secondary veins 5–7-paired, base broadly cuneate, apex acuminate. Inflorescence unknown. New shoots late Apr.

* Slopes, summits; 700–800 m. Fujian, Hunan, Zhejiang.

This species is sometimes considered a synonym of Pleioblastus amarus.

The culms are used for tools and fencing.


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