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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Liliaceae | Allium

11. Allium chienchuanense J. M. Xu in F. T. Wang & Tang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 14: 284. 1980.

剑川韭 jian chuan jiu

Roots elongate, thick, fleshy. Bulb solitary or clustered, cylindric, robust, 2--3 cm in diam.; tunic fibrous. Leaves band-shaped, shorter than scape, 1.5--3(--5) cm wide, midvein distinct. Scape lateral, 75--80 cm, terete, covered with leaf sheaths for ca. 1/3 its length. Spathe deciduous. Umbel subglobose. Pedicels subequal, 2--3 × as long as perianth, ebracteolate. Perianth yellow; segments all similar, oblong to oblong elliptic, 6--7 × 2--2.2 mm, basally united into a tube ca. 1 mm, apex irregularly denticulate, rarely entire. Filaments subulate, equal, slightly longer than perianth segments, connate at base for ca. 1.5 mm and adnate to perianth segments. Ovary obovoid, smooth, base constricted into a short stipe; ovules 2 per locule. Style longer than ovary; stigma punctiform. Fl. Sep.

* Streamsides, moist places; ca. 3100 m. Yunnan (Jianchuan Xian).


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