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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Zingiberaceae | Alpinia

11. Alpinia kusshakuensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 9: 121. 1920.

菱唇山姜 ling chun shan jiang

Languas kusshakuensis (Hayata) Sasaki.

Pseudostems more than 2 m. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate; ligule 2-lobed, ca. 8 mm, abaxially villous; leaf blade lanceolate, ca. 50 × 10 cm, glabrous except ciliate at margin, base attenuate, apex abruptly acuminate. Spikes ca. 15 cm, densely many flowered, densely villous; bracteoles shell-shaped, 2.5--3 cm, apex 2- or 3- toothed. Pedicel very short or absent. Calyx ca. 2 cm, split to middle on 1 side, abaxially hirsute, margin and apex slightly hairy. Corolla tube ca. 1 cm; lobes 3--5 cm, central one obovate-spatulate, ca. 1.5 cm wide. Lateral staminodes 4--5 mm. Labellum yellow-red toward center, yellow at margin, ovate-rhomboidal, 4--4.5 × ca. 3 cm, throat hirsute, margin erose-denticulate, apex caudate, not 2-lobed. Stamen ca. 4 cm; anther linear, ca. 1.5 cm. Ovary ca. 1 cm, densely villous. Style glabrous. Fl. May.

* Taiwan (Taibei Shi).

This species was recognized as a natural hybrid between Alpinia shimadae and A. uraiensis by Yang and Wang (loc. cit.).


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