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22. Poaceae Tribe ERAGROSTIDEAE

画眉草族 hua mei cao zu

Authors: Shou-liang Chen, Zhen-lan Wu, Sheng-lian Lu, Bi-xing Sun, Sylvia M. Phillips & Paul M. Peterson

Annual or perennial. Leaf blades linear to filiform; ligule a line of hairs, infrequently membranous. Inflorescence a panicle or composed of tough unilateral racemes of biseriate spikelets (bottlebrush in Harpachne); racemes digitate or scattered along an axis or rarely single, persistent or deciduous. Spikelets usually laterally compressed, with one floret or more usually several to many, the uppermost ± reduced, disarticulating below each floret or sometimes by other abscission modes; glumes mostly persistent, usually 1-veined, membranous and shorter than lowest lemma, rarely longer; floret callus sometimes bearded; lemmas membranous to leathery, 1–3-veined (7–11 in Aeluropus), glabrous or hairy, apex entire or 2–3-toothed occasionally with small subsidiary lobes between teeth, mucronate or awned from apex or sinus; palea keels sometimes winged. Stamens 1–3. Fruit sometimes with free pericarp. Leaf anatomy: Kranz PS type; microhairs usually short and stout. x = 10, less often 9, 12.

About 80 genera and 1000 species; tropics and subtropics; 17 genera and 92 species (30 endemic, three introduced) in China.

This tribe is characterized by unspecialized spikelets usually with several florets, 3-veined lemmas, and a rather cartilaginous texture, and also by a ciliate ligule, although there are exceptions to all these characters. This contrasts with the 5-veined lemmas and membranous ligule of most Poeae, which are often superficially similar, especially when the inflorescence is a panicle. Anatomically the two tribes are quite different.

1 Spikelets with 1 floret   (2)
+ Spikelets with 2 or more florets   (4)
2 (1) Ligule membranous; lemma 3-veined, awned; fruit a caryopsis.   140 Muhlenbergia
+ Ligule a line of hairs; lemma 1-veined, awnless; fruit with free pericarp   (3)
3 (2) Inflorescence an open or spikelike panicle, exserted from uppermost leaf sheath.   138 Sporobolus
+ Inflorescence a short dense head, subtended by an inflated leaf sheath with rudimentary blade.   139 Crypsis
4 (1) Lemmas 7–11-veined.   124 Aeluropus
+ Lemmas 3-veined (subsidiary veins in keel in Eleusine)   (5)
5 (4) Lemmas emarginate or 2-toothed at apex, or if entire marginal veins or flanks hairy   (6)
+ Lemmas usually entire at apex, glabrous   (11)
6 (5) Cleistogamous spikelets concealed within the upper leaf sheaths.   126 Cleistogenes
+ Cleistogamous spikelets absent   (7)
7 (6) Plants tall, reedlike; inflorescence a large plumose panicle.   125 Neyraudia
+ Plants smaller; inflorescence composed of racemes   (8)
8 (7) Plants with long scaly rhizomes.   127 Orinus
+ Plants lacking long scaly rhizomes   (9)
9 (8) Inflorescence a single terminal raceme.   128 Tripogon
+ Inflorescence of 2 to many racemes along a central axis   (10)
10 (9) Racemes persistent; glumes shorter than lowermost lemma.   129 Leptochloa
+ Racemes deciduous; glumes as long as the spikelet.   130 Dinebra
11 (5) Inflorescence a panicle.   131 Eragrostis
+ Inflorescence of one or more racemes   (12)
12 (11) Inflorescence a single terminal raceme   (13)
+ Inflorescence of 2 or more racemes   (14)
13 (12) Spikelets erect; lemmas disarticulating leaving the persistent paleas.   132 Eragrostiella
+ Spikelets deflexed, falling entire with pedicel attached.   133 Harpachne
14 (12) Racemes inserted singly, crowded along an elongate central axis; grain smooth.   134 Desmostachya
+ Racemes digitate or ± whorled; grain ornamented with a free pericarp   (15)
15 (14) Racemes terminating in a sharp point.   135 Dactyloctenium
+ Racemes terminating in a fertile or abortive spikelet   (16)
16 (15) Racemes terminating in an abortive spikelet; paleas persistent.   136 Acrachne
+ Racemes terminating in a fertile spikelet; paleas falling with lemmas.   137 Eleusine

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