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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae


槐族 huai zu

Authors: Hang Sun, Bojian Bao & Michael A. Vincent

Trees, shrubs, lianas, rarely herbs. Leaves pinnately 1- to many foliolate or digitately 3-foliolate. Inflorescence racemose or paniculate, terminal, axillary or leaf-opposed. Calyx 5-toothed or lobed or rarely entire. Corolla papilionaceous or subactinomorphic, petals (1-)5. Stamens (6-)10(-30); filaments free or connate only at base or lower ones up to ca. 1/2 their length, exceptionally 9 joined high up; anthers uniform. Ovary 1- to several ovuled. Legumes various, not jointed, indehiscent or 2-valved, sometimes winged. Seeds reniform, elliptic, or globose; hilum small, sometimes arillate.

About 45 genera and 390-400 species: mostly distributed in the tropics to subtropics; seven genera (one endemic) and 74 species (55 endemic, one introduced) in China.

1 Leaves simple (1-foliolate)   (2)
+ Leaves compound   (3)
2 (1) Scandent shrubs or lianas; racemes axillary, to 5 cm; calyx 2-3 mm, teeth short; style ± straight.   39 Bowringia
+ Shrubs or small trees, not scandent; panicles terminal (rarely racemes axillary), mostly 5-13 cm; calyx more than 5 mm, teeth longer than calyx tube; style recurved.   40 Ormosia
3 (1) Shrubs, spiny; leaflets 2 (sometimes appearing 1), to 1.5 cm, apex spiny-mucronate.   41 Ammodendron
+ Shrubs or trees, usually without spines (if spiny, leaflets many more than 2); leaflets 3 or more, more than 1.5 cm, apex not spiny-mucronate   (4)
4 (3) Legumes moniliform, cylindric (rarely markedly flattened).   42 Sophora
+ Legumes not moniliform, compressed laterally or markedly flattened   (5)
5 (4) Buds hidden in swollen petiole base; leaflets usually alternate, stipels present or absent.   43 Cladrastis
+ Buds exposed; leaflets mostly opposite, stipels usually absent   (6)
6 (5) Filaments of 9 stamens fused for ca. 1/2 their length, 1 free; leaflets nearly linear, less than 4 mm wide, blade hard, folded.   44 Salweenia
+ Filaments free or all 10 slightly fused basally; leaflets much larger, blade softer, not folded   (7)
7 (6) Legumes compressed to nearly cylindric, woody to leathery, ovate to long elliptic, unwinged; seeds nearly globose or circular, mostly more than 1 cm; leaflets (1-)3-11(-19); style recurved, stigma elongate, oblique; keel petals free.   40 Ormosia
+ Legumes markedly flattened, thinner walled, leathery to papery, linear-lanceolate to long elliptic, often winged; seeds flattened, long elliptic, less than 1 cm; leaflets (5-)9-11; style nearly straight, stigma small, terminal; keel petals fused.   45 Maackia

Lower Taxa


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