1 |
Leaflets abaxially and calyx generally with colored sessile glands; bracteoles absent; inflorescence nodes not swollen, 1-flowered (subtribe Cajaninae) |
(2) |
+ |
Leaflets and calyx without glands; bracteoles often present; inflorescence nodes often swollen, bearing more than 1 flower |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Legumes 3- or more seeded |
(3) |
+ |
Legumes 1- or 2-seeded |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Legumes not depressed between seeds. |
93 Dunbaria |
+ |
Legumes depressed between seeds. |
94 Cajanus |
4 (2) |
Leaves 1-foliolate; seeds with funicle attached at end of linear hilum. |
92 Eriosema |
+ |
Leaves 3-foliolate, or simple (not 1-foliolate); seeds with funicle attached at middle of hilum |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Twining herbs or shrublets; leaves clearly pinnately 3-foliolate; legumes compressed. |
91 Rhynchosia |
+ |
Erect shrubs or prostrate herbs (F. procumbens); leaves apparently digitately 3-foliolate or simple; legumes turgid. |
95 Flemingia |
6 (1) |
Style flattened, thickened or twisted, mostly bearded, if not bearded and terete, then standard and keels with minute appendages; hilum usually covered with spongy strophiole (subtribe Phaseolinae) |
(7) |
+ |
Style generally terete and unbearded (sometimes a few hairs below stigma), occasionally coiled (in Erythrininae), sometimes bearded or flattened (in Clitoriinae); hilum rarely covered with spongy tissue (some Erythrina excepted) |
(14) |
7 (6) |
Style flattened laterally. |
110 Lablab |
+ |
Style terete or flattened dorsiventrally |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Hooked hairs present on vegetative parts. |
115 Phaseolus |
+ |
Hooked hairs absent |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Petal wings longer than standard; style twice ca. 90° incurved. |
114 Macroptilium |
+ |
Petal wings shorter than standard; style various but not as above |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Legumes 4-winged. |
98 Psophocarpus |
+ |
Legumes not 4-winged |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Stigma lateral or oblique; stipules produced below point of attachment (except in V. adenantha). |
113 Vigna |
+ |
Stigma terminal; stipules not produced below point of attachment |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Standard appendages absent; corolla purple-blue. |
97 Dysolobium |
+ |
Standard appendages present; corolla white, violet, or yellowish |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Standard appendages short; corolla white or violet. |
111 Dolichos |
+ |
Standard appendages long and narrow; corolla yellowish. |
112 Macrotyloma |
14 (6) |
Flowers generally resupinate; calyx naked inside; style narrowed, penicillate or bearded distally; corolla often hairy; leaflets 1, 3, or 5-9, with minute hooked hairs (subtribe Clitoriinae) |
(15) |
+ |
Flowers not resupinate, or if resupinate then differing from above in other respects |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Standard without spur on back. |
82 Clitoria |
+ |
Standard with a conspicuous spur on back. |
83 Centrosema |
16 (14) |
Standard silky hairy outside, rather small, without appendages inside; seeds smooth, with a prominent aril; inflorescence not or only slightly nodose (subtribe Ophrestiinae). |
81 Ophrestia |
+ |
Standard glabrous, or if hairy then inflorescence generally nodose or flowers much modified |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Flowers mostly adapted to birds or bats for pollination, petals generally unequal in length, sometimes with small bee-type flowers but then either coiled (Apios, Cochlianthus) or flowers in extensive panicles and legume samaroid (Spatholobus) (subtribe Erythrininae) |
(18) |
+ |
Flowers mostly adapted to bees for pollination, or if bird-type flowers then petals subequal in length |
(23) |
18 (17) |
Trees or shrubs; stems with prickles; keels much shorter than standard. |
96 Erythrina |
+ |
Climbers, rarely trees (Butea monosperma); stems without prickles; keels usually largest petals |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Style spirally coiled |
(20) |
+ |
Style not spirally coiled |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Leaves (3 or)5- or 7(or 9)-foliolate, green when dried. |
84 Apios |
+ |
Leaves 3-foliolate, black when dried. |
85 Cochlianthus |
21 (19) |
Legume with many seeds, 2-valved; irritant hairs usually present. |
88 Mucuna |
+ |
Legume samaroid with 1 apical seed, empty below; irritant hairs absent |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Flowers purple, rose, or white, 0.5-1 cm. |
89 Spatholobus |
+ |
Flowers yellow to scarlet, 1.5-8 cm. |
90 Butea |
23 (17) |
Inflorescences generally with nodes swollen; seeds diverse, with short to long hilum (subtribe Diocleinae) |
(24) |
+ |
Inflorescences with nodes not or only slightly swollen; seeds smooth or granular, with short hilum (subtribe Glycininae) |
(27) |
24 (23) |
Stigma lateral to subterminal; ovary hirsute, hairs extending up style, forming a false beard. |
100 Pachyrhizus |
+ |
Stigma terminal; style naked |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Calyx 2-lipped, upper lip large, entire or 2-lobed, lower lip small; stamens monadelphous; legumes ligulate to oblong. |
79 Canavalia |
+ |
Calyx not strongly 2-lipped; stamens diadelphous; legumes linear |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Upper calyx lobes completely united (calyx appearing 4-lobed). |
80 Galactia |
+ |
Upper calyx lobes ± separate (calyx 5-lobed). |
99 Calopogonium |
27 (23) |
Legumes indehiscent |
(28) |
+ |
Legumes dehiscent |
(29) |
28 (27) |
Bracts caducous; fruit many seeded; seeds with filiform funicle. |
87 Mastersia |
+ |
Bracts enlarging after anthesis, leaflike, boat-shaped; fruit 1-seeded; seeds without filiform funicle. |
109 Phylacium |
29 (27) |
Anthers alternately small and sterile or large and fertile; legume with persistent style forming a hook. |
107 Teramnus |
+ |
Anthers all similar, fertile; legume without hooked style |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Stems strongly 4-angled, angles with descending brown hairs; flowers 5-7 mm. |
101 Teyleria |
+ |
Stems not strongly 4-angled, angles without brown hairs; flowers mostly longer than 7 mm |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Leaves 1-foliolate. |
104 Nogra |
+ |
Leaves 3-foliolate |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Claws of wings and keel longer than blade; seeds smooth, without a scarious strophiole; ovary walls often transparent |
(33) |
+ |
Claws of wings and keel shorter than blade; seeds usually rough; hilum often with a scarious strophiole; ovary walls opaque |
(35) |
33 (32) |
Calyx truncate, lobes ± obsolete; flowers yellow. |
102 Dumasia |
+ |
Calyx lobes distinct, triangular; flowers usually red-purple, purple, blue, or white, never yellow |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Legumes septate between seeds; bracteoles present; bracts rather large and persistent. |
86 Shuteria |
+ |
Legumes not septate; bracteoles absent. |
106 Amphicarpaea |
35 (32) |
Flowers 2 or more per node of inflorescence. |
103 Pueraria |
+ |
Flowers 1 per node of inflorescence |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Flowers 12 mm or more. |
105 Sinodolichos |
+ |
Flowers 9 mm or less. |
108 Glycine |