珠蕨亚科 zhu jue ya ke
Authors: Zhang Gangmin, Tom A. Ranker, Edward R. Alverson & Jordan S. Metzgar
Plants terrestrial or on rocks, small (Cryptogramma) or large (Coniogramme). Rhizomes erect or creeping, scaly; scales colorless or brownish. Fronds monomorphic (Coniogramme) or dimorphic (Cryptogramma), distant, closely spaced, or clustered; stipe usually straw-colored, with a vascular bundle near base, adaxially sulcate; lamina 1- or 2-imparipinnate, with an odd terminal segment, or 2-4-pinnate. Veins free or rarely anastomosing near midrib, vein tips enlarged forming hydathodes. Sori along veins, exindusiate; or sori borne at vein tips, covered by a modified marginal indusium. Spores tetrahedral-globose, with prominent angles. x = 30.
Three genera and ca. 40 species: worldwide; two genera and 25 species (11 endemic) in China.
Lower Taxa
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