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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24 | Zingiberaceae | Alpinia

23. Alpinia rubromaculata S. Q. Tong, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 27: 284. 1989.

红斑山姜 hong ban shan jiang

Pseudostems 1.5--2.5 m. Leaf sheath conspicuously striate; ligule entire, 8--10 mm, leathery, pubescent, soon glabrescent; petiole 1--2.5 cm; leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 40--80 × 10--14 cm, abaxially densely pubescent, base narrow, oblique, apex shortly acuminate. Racemes 18--30 cm; rachis brown hispid; bracteoles oblong-triangular, 3.5--4 cm, apex 3-toothed, teeth rounded. Calyx red, tubular, 2.3--2.6 cm, base and apex densely white pubescent, apex 4--6-toothed, ciliate. Corolla tube white, ca. 1 cm, pubescent; lobes white, elliptic, 3.8--4.5 × 1.7--2.1 cm, base with a small appendage, margin ciliate. Lateral staminodes red, ca. 8 mm, pubescent. Labellum yellow with a few stripes, red at center, red spotted at margin, broadly ovate, 3.9--4.5 × 5--5.8 cm, apex 2-lobed. Stamen ca. 3 cm; filament ca. 1.2 cm, base white pubescent. Ovary yellow-brown villous. Fr. Apr.

* Forests; ca. 800 m. S Yunnan.


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