109. Corydalis ochotensis Turczaninow, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou. 13: 62. 1840.
黄紫堇 huang zi jin
Herbs, biennial, 50-90 cm tall, glabrous. Stems often zigzag, squashy, winged-ridged, branched and leafy throughout. Basal leaves long petiolate; blade glaucous abaxially, broadly ovate or deltoid, triternate; primary petiolules long; secondary petiolules short; leaflets deeply or slightly divided, obovate, rhombic-obovate, or ovate, obtuse, mucronate. Lower cauline leaves long petiolate, upper ones shortly petiolate, like basal leaves. Racemes 3-5 cm, at fruiting to 9 cm, 4-8-flowered; bracts ovate to broadly ovate, 0.5-1.4 cm, entire, partly concealing flowers. Pedicel 2-4 mm, recurved in fruit. Sepals reniform, to 0.5 mm, dentate. Corolla yellow, keels of outer petals often with a purplish gray tint; outer petals acuminate, with short obtuse crest extended clearly beyond petal apex; upper petal 17-20 mm; spur cylindric, 8-11 mm, apex slightly downcurved; nectary 2/5-1/2 as long as spur; lower petal shallowly saccate, 10-12 mm; inner petals 8-9 mm. Stigma compressed-quadrate, with marginal papillae. Capsule narrowly obovoid, 10-14 × ca. 3 mm, 6-10-seeded. Seeds in 2 rows, 1.5-2 mm, smooth. Fl. and fr. Jun-Sep.
Mixed forests, streamsides. NE Hebei, Heilongjiang, E Jilin, Liaoning, Taiwan [Japan, N Korea, Russia (Okhotsk Sea region, E Siberia)].