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18. Corydalis Candolle in Lamarck & Candolle, Fl. Franç., ed. 3. 4: 637. 1805.

紫堇属 zi jin shu

Authors: Mingli Zhang, Zhiyun Su & Magnus Lidén

Corydalis yunnanensis

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Pistolochia Bernhardi.

Herbs, annual, biennial, or perennial, soft, juicy, usually glabrous. Leaves usually alternate, pinnately or ternately divided. Inflorescence a simple bracteate raceme (compound with cymose or racemose partial inflorescences in some species of Corydalis sect. Strictae). Flowers blue, purple, orange, yellow, or white. Sepals petaloid, usually dentate. Corolla zygomorphic; upper petal spurred. Stamens 2 (i.e., filaments of each triplet completely fused); median upper stamen with a nectariferous appendage at base frequently fused to spur for a shorter or longer portion. Stigma variable. Fruit a usually many-seeded capsule with persistent style. Seeds black, with whitish elaiosomes (except in C. sect. Bipapillatae).

Three subgenera and ca. 465 species: mainly N temperate (but one species in subarctic Russia/North America, one species in the mountains of E Africa, and three species in subtropical Indochina); three subgenera and 357 species (262 endemic, one requiring verification) in China.

1 Fruit inflated, like a balloon; flowers pale blue or white (high alpine, Xinjiang and C and W Xizang).   14 C. sect. Oocapnos (p. 325)
+ Fruit not inflated like a balloon   (2)
2 (1) Stems tapering to a leafless underground base; perennials with underground tuber or a fascicle of ± thickened storage roots (see also   277 C. anthocrene: stems pale and underground at base, but leafy throughout; storage roots pale and fleshy, but not fasciculate; leaves finely divided, crispate).
+ Lower part of stem leafy or leafless, but not tapering to a thin underground base; annual, biennial, or non-tuberous perennial   (17)
3 Plant with a fleshy underground tuber; fruit dehiscence explosive or not   (4)
+ Plant with an underground fascicle of ± swollen storage roots; fruit explosively dehiscent so that valves become coiled after dehiscence   (9)
4 (3) Cauline leaves opposite.   8 C. sect. Leonticoides (p. 313)
+ Cauline leaves alternate   (5)
5 (4) Stigma transversely oblong; tuber small (pea-sized), rounded or elongated, usually with leaves or leaf scars, tuber without a papery brownish outer skin.   7 C. sect. Duplotuber (p. 312)
+ Stigma flattened, rounded to squarish to obtriangular in outline; tuber with a brownish skin   (6)
6 (5) Fruiting pedicels straight and erect; fruit explosively dehiscent; alpine plant.   16 C. sect. Dactylotuber (p. 326)
+ Fruiting pedicels recurved; fruit not explosive   (7)
7 (6) Tuber oblong, usually basally branched; plant of alpine scree.   9 C. sect. Benecinctae (p. 313)
+ Tuber rounded, entire   (8)
8 (7) Plant with a single conspicuous scale leaf at soil surface; non-alpine plant of early spring.   10 C. sect. Corydalis (p. 314)
+ Plant without a conspicuous scale leaf; alpine plant.   79 C. gyrophylla (p. 326)
9 (3) Cauline leaf simple, linear.   31 C. sect. Trachycarpae (p. 365)
+ Cauline leaves divided   (10)
10 (9) Fruiting pedicels recurved   (11)
+ Fruiting pedicels straight with pendent fruit   (13)
11 (10) Flowers yellow.   31 C. sect. Trachycarpae (p. 365)
+ Flowers blue or purple   (12)
12 (11) Flowers clear blue with indistinct venation; cauline leaves sessile, palmately divided.   32 C. ser. Appendiculatae (p. 383)
+ Flowers blue or purple, often with distinct veins; leaves usually pinnately divided, often rather stiff with raised midvein below.   31 C. sect. Trachycarpae (p. 365)
13 (10) Cauline leaves twice to 3 × ternately or pinnately divided   (14)
+ Cauline leaves less divided, often digitately cut   (15)
14 (13) Stems slender, branched, more than 10 cm tall; bulblike apical rhizome bud not prominent.   35 C. ser. Kokianae (p. 394)
+ Stems less than 10 cm tall, glaucous plant growing in scree; bulblike apical rhizome bud very prominent.   36 C. ser. Clavatae (p. 395)
15 (13) Dorsal wings of inner petals very pronounced, overtopping apex; spur broad and short; bulblike apical rhizome bud small.   33 C. ser. Curviflorae (p. 386)
+ Dorsal wings of inner petals low, not overtopping apex; spur variable; bulblike apical rhizome bud often prominent   (16)
16 (15) Plant very dense, fleshy and glaucous, less than 5 cm tall; flowers pale blue with whitish marks.   36 C. ser. Clavatae (p. 395)
+ Stem slender; flowers clear blue.   34 C. ser. Fusiformes (p. 390)
17 (2) Annual or biennial   (18)
+ Perennial   (30)
18 (17) Flowers pink to purple   (19)
+ Flowers yellow or white; fruiting pedicels ± arcuate or recurved   (24)
19 (18) Bracts small, entire; fruiting pedicels ± arcuate or recurved   (20)
+ Bracts divided; fruiting pedicels straight or arcuate to recurved   (21)
20 (19) Flowers ca. 15 mm; stigma transversely fusiform, each end with a papilla; capsule linear-oblong, not exploding.   5 C. sect. Aulacostigma (27. C. edulis: p. 308)
+ Flowers < 10 mm, stigma flattened with 2-6 apical papillae; capsule obovoid, explosively dehiscent.   19 C. sect. Fumarioides (p. 336)
21 (19) Capsules pendent from straight erecto-patent pedicels.   40 C. sect. Incisae (p. 419)
+ Fruiting pedicels arcuate   (22)
22 (21) Spur tapering to tip.   29 C. sect. Asterostigma (p. 358)
+ Spur cylindric   (23)
23 (22) Pedicels 10-30 mm.   30 C. sect. Pubicaules (p. 364)
+ Pedicels 3-10 mm.   44 C. sect. Chinenses (p. 426)
24 (18) Fruit obovoid, explosively dehiscent. 51!-!Fruit linear to oblong   (27)
25 Inner petals not, or only internally, tipped with blackish purple.   19 C. sect. Fumarioides (p. 336)
+ Inner petals externally tipped with blackish purple   (26)
26 (25) Upper petal 9-12 mm; stems diffusely branched.   22 C. sect. Himalayanae (p. 343)
+ Upper petal 14-18 mm; stems and branches suberect.   24 C. sect. Ramososibiricae (p. 345)
27 (24) Bracts large, much divided (Xinjiang).   23 C. sect. Tetragonia (132. C. capnoides: p. 345)
+ Bracts small, entire   (28)
28 (27) Flowers < 10 mm, fruit narrowly linear.   4 C. sect. Cheilanthifoliae (p. 306)
+ Flowers > 11 mm; fruit linear-oblong to fusiform   (29)
29 (28) Fruit explosively dehiscent; stigma flat, longer than broad; spur thin, straight, equaling inner petals.   21 C. sect. Angustiflorae (125. C. pseudodrakeana: p. 343)
+ Fruit not explosive; stigma not flat, 2-armed; spur saccate, shorter than inner petals.   6 C. sect. Sophorocapnos (p. 308)
30 (17) Body of stigma ± terete, often transversely oblong; bracts small, lanceolate, often scarious; flowers usually with short rounded spur; fruit not explosively dehiscent; plant often xerophytic or chasmophytic   (31)
+ Stigma flattened, often ± squarish in outline; bracts small or large   (34)
31 (30) Stigma with 6 simple and 2 paired distinct papillae; herb of dry areas with glaucous fragile foliage.   2 C. sect. Strictae (p. 299)
+ Stigma with much fewer or not distinct papillae   (32)
32 (31) Stigma with 2 large erect papillae on a small body; seeds lacking elaiosome; erect robust herb.   1 C. sect. Bipapillatae (p. 299)
+ Stigma transversely oblong with indistinct papillae; low-growing chasmophytic herb   (33)
33 (32) Leaves very glaucous, up to twice divided with obtuse leaflets.   3 C. sect. Thalictrifoliae (p. 303)
+ Leaves finely divided with acute leaflets.   4 C. sect. Cheilanthifoliae (p. 306)
34 (30) Fruiting pedicels 3-6 cm   (35)
+ Fruiting pedicels shorter   (37)
35 (34) Plants forming loose cushions; outer petals white; apex of inner petals yellow, turning red after fertilization.   45 C. sect. Vermiculares (357. C. brevirostrata: p. 427)
+ Plants not cushion-forming; flowers blue   (36)
36 (35) Leaves finely divided, crispate.   277 C. anthocrene (p. 398)
+ Leaves flat with rounded leaflets.   15 C. sect. Rupifragae (78. C. rupifraga: p. 325)
37 (34) Spur very strongly curved (to a semicircle or more); racemes very compact with numerous flowers; fruiting pedicels erect.   42 C. sect. Hamatae (p. 424)
+ Spur less curved   (38)
38 (37) Rhizome with thick fleshy scales or bulbous persistent petiolar bases   (39)
+ Rhizome without fleshy scales or bulbous persistent petiolar bases or prominent bulblike terminal buds   (46)
39 (38) Flowers yellow   (40)
+ Flowers blue, purple, pink, or white   (42)
40 (39) Bracts small, undivided; pedicels < 8 mm, recurved in fruit.   18 C. sect. Davidianae (p. 330)
+ Bracts divided; pedicels > 8 mm, erect in fruit   (41)
41 (40) Upper petal 19-23 mm (W Yunnan).   176 C. kiukiangensis (p. 361)
+ Upper petal 23-33 mm (N Sichuan).   39 C. sect. Ellipticarpae (p. 416)
42 (39) Capsule linear, smoothly continuing pedicel, not explosive.   29 C. sect. Asterostigma (p. 358)
+ Capsule sharply reflexed from erect pedicel, explosively dehiscent, linear to obovoid   (43)
43 (42) Leaf rosette with several large leaves with swollen petiolar bases to 3 cm forming prominent bulb; spur of upper petal slightly downcurved, tapering to tip; bracts much divided.   39 C. sect. Ellipticarpae (p. 416)
+ Leaf rosette few leaved, swollen part of petiole base to 1.5 cm   (44)
44 (43) Corolla pink, conspicuously mucronate, spur straight or upcurved, tapering to thin apex; leaves bi- to tripinnate with crenate-dentate leaflets; bracts 2-8 mm.   38 C. sect. Mucronatae (p. 414)
+ Not as above; bracts usually larger   (45)
45 (44) Stigma at least as broad as long; corolla blue to purple, rarely white.   37 C. sect. Elatae (p. 398)
+ Stigma much longer than broad; corolla white or pink, often with yellow apex.   38 C. sect. Mucronatae (p. 414)
46 (38) Flowers blue or purple   (47)
+ Flowers yellow or cream   (55)
47 (46) Sepals entire, 4-10 × 3-4 mm, early falling; spur 16-30 mm; inner petals 8-12 mm; rootstock robust, vertical; corolla acute; capsule obovoid, pendent from erect pedicel; cauline leaves with rounded whitish membranous auricles/stipules; robust erect forest floor herb.   17 C. sect. Archaeocapnos (p. 329)
+ Sepals dentate or much smaller, not early falling; spur comparatively shorter   (48)
48 (47) Fruiting pedicels straight and erect, but sharply curved at tip.   26 C. sect. Latiflorae (p. 348)
+ Fruiting pedicels straight and erect, or recurved from base or middle   (49)
49 (48) Capsules reflexed from straight erect pedicels   (50)
+ Capsules not reflexed from straight erect pedicels   (51)
50 (49) Leaves bi- to tripinnate; low-growing plant in alpine scree; leaf rosette prominent, many leaved, 2-sided.   43 C. sect. Polyphyllae (p. 426)
+ Leaves biternate; stems slender, usually longer; leaf rosette few leaved, not obviously 2-sided.   41 C. sect. Priapos (p. 422)
51 (49) Lower bracts leaflike with long stalk, distant; lower pedicels 15-30 mm; upper leaves with distinct auricles.   30 C. sect. Pubicaules (p. 364)
+ Lower bracts and pedicels shorter; leaves without auricles   (52)
52 (51) Rhizome 1-2 × ca. 0.5 cm; stems slender; fruit linear.   29 C. sect. Asterostigma (p. 358)
+ Rhizome larger, cylindric; stems often robust; fruit oblong   (53)
53 (52) Stem 7-15 cm; fruit explosively dehiscent; raceme capitate.   168 C. milarepa (p. 357)
+ Stem 15-70 cm; fruit not explosively dehiscent; raceme not capitate   (54)
54 (53) Stigma rounded to squarish with several marginal papillae.   13 C. sect. Flaccidae (p. 320)
+ Stigma broadly semilunate with 2 flat triangular apical papillae.   12 C. sect. Kingianae (p. 319)
55 (46) Rhizome short with dense cluster of long wiry roots; bracts small, entire; pedicels short, recurved in fruit.   18 C. sect. Davidianae (p. 330)
+ Rhizome without dense cluster of long wiry roots   (56)
56 (55) Fruiting pedicels straight and erect for most of their length, but hooked at tip; low-growing alpine plants from Xizang and Qinghai   (57)
+ Fruiting pedicels straight and erect, or recurved from base or middle   (58)
57 (56) Stigma conspicuously asymmetric with stalked papillae; cushion-forming "tap-rooted" perennials 2-7(-13) cm tall; flowers 8-15 mm, yellow or whitish, but inner petals often yellow at tip.   25 C. sect. Mucroniferae (p. 346)
+ Stigma symmetric; papillae not clearly stalked; stems and/or flowers often (but not always) larger.   26 C. sect. Latiflorae (p. 348)
58 (56) Rhizome inconspicuous, 1-3 cm; stems erect to procumbent, thin, branched   (59)
+ Rhizome/rootstock thick and hollow, or long and cylindric, 5-20 cm; plant robust, often erect to suberect   (62)
59 (58) Upper petal 20-30 mm.   29 C. sect. Asterostigma (p. 358)
+ Upper petal 10-17 mm   (60)
60 (59) Lower bracts much longer than pedicels, 20-30 mm; stigma with basal lobes and basal papillae; fruiting pedicels erect; rhizome apically with a sterile leaf rosette.   41 C. sect. Priapos (p. 422)
+ Bracts shorter than pedicels, 4-10 mm; stigma lacking basal lobes and basal papillae, apical papillae ± clearly stalked or constricted at base; sterile leaf rosette lacking   (61)
61 (60) Rhizome thin, with or without few fleshy lateral roots; stigma with a pair of geminate lateral papillae; inner petals dark tipped (except in 126. C. longipes).   22 C. sect. Himalayanae (p. 343)
+ Plant with ± deeply buried cylindric rootstock; stigma usually lacking geminate papillae; inner petals not dark tipped (except in 122. C. diffusa and 124. C. cavei).   20 C. sect. Radicosae (p. 341)
62 (58) Rhizome swollen, irregular, eventually hollow; stems sharply ridged, hollow; raceme capitate; flowers acute, inner petals externally tipped with blackish purple.   11 C. sect. Capnogorium (61. C. nobilis: p. 319)
+ Rhizome cylindric, solid   (63)
63 (62) Rootstock deeply buried without remnants of previous years growth; stems diffusely branched, thin; stigma lacking basal papillae, apical papillae ± constricted at base.   20 C. sect. Radicosae (p. 341)
+ Rhizome/rootstock reaching surface, with withered remnants of previous years petiolar bases and stems; stems often robust, erect to suberect; stigma with basal geminate papillae   (64)
64 (63) Fruiting pedicel not rigidly recurved, capsule oblong, not explosively dehiscent.   13 C. sect. Flaccidae (p. 320)
+ Fruiting pedicel rigidly recurved, capsule usually obovoid, explosively dehiscent   (65)
65 (64) First pair of leaflets of cauline leaves small, stipulelike.   28 C. sect. Geraniifoliae (169. C. borii: p. 358)
+ First pair of leaflets not stipulelike.   27 C. sect. Chrysocapnos (p. 351)

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