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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Papaveraceae | Corydalis

17. Corydalis sect. Archaeocapnos Popov ex Michajlova, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 19: 99. 1982.

古紫堇组 gu zi jin zu

Herbs, perennial. Rootstock very robust, broad at apex. Stems naked in lower 1/2. Cauline leaves with membranous rounded stipules. Flowers purple, with spur much longer than short narrow limb, and (in all Chinese species) with large, entire, early falling sepals. Stigma ovoid-triangular to oblong, central apical pair of papillae ± confluent. Capsule pendent from short erect pedicel, obovoid to oblong, explosively dehiscent, few seeded.

Seven species: disjunct between C Sichuan (two species), E Asia (three species), and W North America (two species); three species (two endemic) in China.

1 Stems 50-120 cm, 9-15 mm in diam.; ultimate leaflets 3-7 × 1.5-3 cm (NE China).   88 C. gigantea
+ Stems 30-80 cm, 4-8 mm in diam.; ultimate leaflets much smaller (C Sichuan)   (2)
2 (1) Ultimate leaflets incised-dentate.   89 C. anthriscifolia
+ Ultimate leaflets rounded, entire.   90 C. longicalcarata

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