1 |
Limb of outer petals broad, dentate; upper petal with short broad dentate crest not reaching apex |
(2) |
+ |
Limb of outer petals not dentate; crest of upper petal, if present, entire and often reaching or exceeding apex |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Branches broadly spreading, arcuate; ultimate leaflets rounded, entire; spur curved almost in a semicircle. |
102 C. liana |
+ |
Branches straight, suberect; leaflets ternatifid to pinnatifid or deeply dentate; spur straight or slightly curved. |
103 C. tenerrima |
3 (1) |
Nectary ca. 1/2 as long as spur or shorter, sometimes very thin |
(4) |
+ |
Nectary ca. 2/3 as long as spur or longer, sometimes very thin, rarely absent |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Delicate climber; pedicels very thin, strongly deflexed at base so racemes appear "upside down"; corolla ecristate; nectary very thin (W Yunnan). |
104 C. saltatoria |
+ |
Erect, robust plant; racemes straight; pedicels not deflexed; corolla broadly crested; nectary thick (S Xizang). |
95 C. laelia |
5 (3) |
Spur usually straight; dorsal crests of inner petals not overtopping petal apex; racemes simple; stigma with apical papillae not stipitate, with median sinus absent or shallow, vasculature T-shaped, with lateral and basal geminate papillae, basal corners not prolonged, style weak immediately below stigma (C. davidii group) |
(6) |
+ |
Spur upcurved; dorsal crests of inner petals ± overtopping petal apex; racemes simple or branched; stigma with apical papillae stipitate, median sinus dividing stigma to 1/3, vasculature V-shaped, basal corners usually without papillae, usually prolonged like "earlobes," style firm all the way into stigma (C. yunnanensis group) |
(9) |
6 (5) |
Bracts 6-12 × 2-4 mm; racemes very lax. |
91 C. luquanensis |
+ |
Bracts much smaller |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Crest of outer petals ca. 1 mm wide; petioles of middle leaves basally with rounded auricles; stigma with 10 marginal papillae; racemes lax. |
92 C. triternatifolia |
+ |
Crest of outer petals less than 0.5 mm wide or absent; petioles vaginate at base, but not auriculate; stigma with 6 or 8 marginal papillae; racemes dense |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Upper petal 20-28 mm, without or with narrow crest, spur cylindric; racemes 5-15-flowered, peduncle ± equaling raceme; seeds 1.5-1.7 mm. |
93 C. davidii |
+ |
Upper petal 17-20 mm, narrowly crested; spur tapering toward apex; racemes 10-26-flowered, peduncle much shorter than raceme; seeds 0.9-1.1 mm. |
94 C. longicornu |
9 (5) |
Racemes 4-8-flowered; spur ca. 1/3 as wide as long, ca. as long as inner petals; nectary conspicuous, ca. 2/3 of spur (S Xizang). |
101 C. delicatula |
+ |
Racemes 10-25-flowered; spur narrower, usually longer than inner petals; nectary longer |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Stems 2-4 mm thick at base; racemes usually simple, not in a panicle; stigma basally truncate, apically with shortly stalked papillae. |
100 C. yunnanensis |
+ |
Stems 4-8 mm thick at base; racemes clustered, often branched; stigma with obvious basal lobes and long-stalked apical papillae |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Climber, 2-4 m; ovules ca. 15. |
99 C. ampelos |
+ |
Erect, 0.4-1.3 m; ovules 7-10 |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Crest of upper petal narrow or absent, not reaching apex. |
98 C. delphinioides |
+ |
Crest of upper petal broad, overtopping apex |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Leaflets 5-13 × 4-9 mm; bracts spatulate, clearly longer than pedicels; stigma narrowed at base, with basal "auricles" clinging to style; capsule obovoid, with seeds in 2 rows. |
97 C. auricilla |
+ |
Leaflets larger; bracts linear, equaling pedicels; stigma not narrowed at base; capsule narrowly oblong, with seeds in 1 row. |
96 C. pterygopetala |