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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Papaveraceae | Corydalis

22. Corydalis sect. Himalayanae (Lidén) Lidén, Fl. China. 7: 343. 2008.

喜马拉雅黄堇组 xi ma la ya huang jin zu

Basionym: Corydalis ser. Himalayanae Lidén, Rheedea 1: 32. 1991.

Herbs, annual to perennial, slender, diffusely branched. Fleshy lateral roots often produced (not in Corydalis gracillima). Leaves thin, bi-(tri-)ternate. Crest of upper petal tapering at both ends, not reaching apex. Fruit explosively dehiscent. Seeds smooth.

Eleven species: throughout the Himalayas plus Khasia hills (India) and Chin hills (Myanmar); six species in China.

1 Nectary less than 1/4 as long as spur   (2)
+ Nectary 1/3-1/2 as long as spur   (3)
2 (1) Outer petals acuminate; inner petals pale at tip.   126 C. longipes
+ Outer petals acute; inner petals tipped with blackish purple.   127 C. pseudolongipes
3 (1) Lower petal straight, not gibbous at base   (4)
+ Lower petal with a distinct gibbosity or a short spur at base   (5)
4 (3) Seeds uniseriate to sub-biseriate; plant with fleshy adventitious roots (probably perennial); upper bracts entire; seeds ca. 1 mm.   128 C. casimiriana
+ Seeds biseriate; plant annual (rarely biennial), with simple taproot; most bracts divided; seeds 0.7-0.8 mm.   131 C. gracillima
5 (3) Spur 5-7 mm; taprooted annual or biennial.   131 C. gracillima
+ Spur of upper petal 7-8 mm; fleshy adventitious roots present   (6)
6 (5) Outer petals not black tipped; sepals minute.   129 C. changuensis
+ Outer petals black tipped; sepals 1-1.5 mm.   130 C. rubrisepala

Lower Taxa


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