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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Papaveraceae | Corydalis

15. Corydalis sect. Rupifragae C. Y. Wu & Z. Y. Su, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 15: 135. 1993.

石隙紫堇组 shi xi zi jin zu

Herbs, perennial. Rootstock stout, covered with residual petiolar bases. Stems without or with only 1 leaf. Radical leaves many, long petiolate; blade glaucous, fleshy; bracts entire. Pedicel elongating considerably in fruit. Flowers blue. Stigma square, apex with 4 papillae. Capsule oblong, with 2 rows of seeds, probably not explosively dehiscent.

● One species: China.

Lower Taxon


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