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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Menispermaceae | Cyclea

10. Cyclea meeboldii Diels in Engler, Pflanzenr. 46(IV.94): 315. 1910.

云南轮环藤 yun nan lun huan teng

Vines, to ca. 3 m. Branches striate, ferruginous hispid. Petiole 5-10 cm, hispid, striate, base geniculate; leaf blade not peltate, broadly cordate or cordate-rotund, 7-18 cm, papery, both surfaces hispid, abaxially densely so, apex acuminate or mucronate, palmately 5-7-veined, together with fine reticulation prominent abaxially. Inflorescences axillary, male inflorescence a narrow thyrse, racemose, ca. 8 cm, hispid, branches 1-1.5 cm. Male flowers: pedicels ca. 1.5 mm; sepals 4, connate, tube ca. 0.4 mm, lobes narrowly ovate, extending outward, ca. 0.8 mm, hispid abaxially; petals 4, free, broadly obovate, slightly fleshy, ca. 0.4 × 0.3 mm, glabrous; synandrium ca. 0.7 mm. Female flowers unknown. Infructescences shortly pedunculate or subsessile, 5-8 cm, hispid. Drupes oblate; endocarp ca. 4 mm, abaxially bearing 2 or 3 rows of tubercles.

Forests; 700-800 m. S and SW Yunnan [NE India].


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