3. Paragymnopteris vestita (Hooker) K. H. Shing, Indian Fern J. 10: 230. 1994.
金毛裸蕨 jin mao luo jue
Gymnogramma vestita Hooker, Icon. Pl. 2: t. 115. 1837; Gymnopteris vestita (Hooker) Underwood; Hemionitis vestita (Hooker) J. Smith; Neurogramma vestita (Hooker) Diels; Notholaena himalaica Fraser-Jenkins; Paraceterach vestita (Hooker) R. M. Tryon; Syngramma vestita (Hooker) T. Moore.
Rhizomes decumbent or ascending, short, stout; scales tan, narrowly subulate. Fronds clustered or closely spaced; stipe (6-)10-20 cm × 1-2.5 mm, densely brownish sericeous; lamina brown when dry, lanceolate, 10-15 × 2.5-5(-7) cm, imparipinnate, soft leathery, abaxially densely golden sericeous, adaxially sparsely pale brown sericeous; rachis and costae sericeous. Pinnae (7-)10-17 pairs, ovate or narrowly ovate, 1.5-4 × 1-2 cm, alternate, shortly stalked, base rounded or sometimes slightly cordate, rarely macroscopically auriculate, margins entire, apex obtuse. Veins obscure, pinnate and divergent, connecting near pinna margins. Sori covered with hairs. 2n = 60.
Among shrubs in rock crevices; 800-3900 m. W Guizhou, Hebei, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, N Thailand].
The epithet was first introduced by Wallich (Numer. List, no. 12. 1829) as "Grammitis vestita." K. H. Shing incorrectly cited "Wallich ex C. Presl" (Tent. Pterid. 218. 1836, nom. nud.) as the authority for the basionym.