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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Senecio

19. Senecio coriaceisquamus C. C. Chang, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol., Bot. 6: 50. 1935.

革苞千里光 ge bao qian li guang

Herbs, perennial, rhizomatous. Stems solitary or few fasciculate, ascending, flexuous, ca. 45 cm tall, crisped-pubescent. Petioles of radical leaves 2-2.5 cm, densely pilose, narrowly winged, basally expanded but not auriculate; blade of radical leaves triangular or ovate, 3-3.5 × 2.5-3 cm, papery, both surfaces densely crisped-pilose, pinnately veined, base cordate, margin entire or obscurely mucronulate-crenulate or denticulate, apex obtuse. Basal and lower stem leaves withered and shed by anthesis; median stem leaves similar; petiole 2-4 cm, winged, basally gradually dilated into conspicuous rounded entire or few-denticulate subamplexicaul auricle; blade triangular or ovate-triangular, 4-6 × 2-4 cm. Uppermost leaves lanceolate, basally cuneate to petiole, apically acute-acuminate. Capitula erect, radiate, 5-10 in terminal rather dense corymbs; peduncles 5-20 mm, densely pubescent, bracteate at base, bracteolate. Involucres campanulate, 8-9 × 4-5 mm, calyculate; bracts of calyculus 7 or 8, green, linear, 5-7 mm; phyllaries 12-14, ca. 8 × 1-1.5 mm, leathery, puberulent, margin narrowly subcartilaginous, apically acute, black. Ray florets 5-7; corolla tube 4-4.5 mm; lamina oblong, ca. 8 × 2.5 mm, 4-veined, apically 3-denticulate or 3-lobed. Disk florets many; corolla yellow, ca. 8 mm, with ca. 4 mm tube and funnelform limb; lobes ovate-triangular, ca. 1.6 mm, marginally papillose, apically acute. Anthers ca. 2 mm, basally obtusely subauriculate, appendages ovate-oblong; antheropodia somewhat elongated, basally somewhat dilated. Style branches ca. 1.2 mm. Achenes (immature) cylindric, ca. 3.5 mm, puberulent. Pappus white, ca. 6 mm. Fl. May.

● Open wet places, by streams; ca. 3000 m. Yunnan (Longchuan Jiang-Nu Jiang divide).


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