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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 22 | Poaceae | Setaria

12a. Setaria viridis subsp. viridis

狗尾草(原亚种) gou wei cao (yuan ya zhong)

Panicum viride Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 2: 870. 1759; P. viridescens Steudel; Setaria viridis var. purpurascens Petermann; S. viridis var. weinmannii (Roemer & Schultes) Heynhold; S. weinmannii Roemer & Schultes.

Culms branching at base, up to 70 cm tall. Leaf blades broadly linear, 5–20 × 0.2–1.8 cm. Panicle cylindrical, 2–12 × 0.4–1.3 cm; bristles below the spikelet 3–7, green, yellowish brown, purplish red or purple, 4–12 mm. Spikelets livid-green, 2–2.5 mm. Fl. and fr. May–Oct. 2n = 18.

Mountain slopes, roadsides, grassy waste places. Distribution as for species [temperate and subtropical regions of the Old World; introduced elsewhere].

This is a cosmopolitan annual weed of warm-temperate regions.


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