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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Gynura

9. Gynura elliptica Y. Yabe & Hayata, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. 18(8): 25. 1904.

兰屿木耳菜 lan yu mu er cai

Herbs, fleshy. Stems 35-50 cm, slightly procumbent from base, 6-10 mm in diam., canaliculate when dry, branched, glabrous or sparsely pubescent on synflorescence. Stem leaves numerous, thinly papery; lower and median leaf petioles 1-3 cm, incised-rounded auriculate at base; blade elliptic, 4-12 × 2-6 cm, both surfaces shortly pubescent, lateral veins 6-8(-12)-paired, curved, veinlets coalescent, reticulate, base rounded or cuneate, margin entire or laxly crenate, apex obtuse, mucronulate. Upper leaves bractlike, smaller, distinctly auriculate. Capitula 14-17 mm in diam., 2-5 in terminal lax corymbs; peduncles 6-23 mm, shortly pubescent in upper part. Involucres broadly campanulate, 8-9 × 14-17 mm, with many linear calycular bracts; phyllaries ca. 14, lanceolate, 8-12 × 1-1.3 mm, apically subtriangular, sparsely puberulent. Florets ca. 50, exceeding involucres; corolla yellow, 10-12 mm, with slender, 7-9 mm tube and dilated limb; lobes ovate, ca. 2 mm. Anthers obtuse at base. Style branches with lanceolate appendages, papillose. Achenes brownish, cylindric, glabrous or puberulent. Pappus white, silky, ca. 10 mm. Fl. May-Nov.

Valleys, seasides; sea level to 500 m. Taiwan [Philippines].


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