46a. Elymus tschimganicus var. tschimganicus
云山披碱草(原变种) yun shan pi jian cao (yuan bian zhong)
Agropyron tschimganicum Drobow in Vvedensky et al., Key Fl. Tashkent 1: 40. 1923; Roegneria tschimganica (Drobow) Nevski.
Leaf sheath glabrous, or pubescent proximally. Lemma callus shortly setose on sides. Fl. and fr. Jun–Jul. 2n = 42*.
High mountain meadows. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan].
"Agropyron czimganicum," "Elymus czimganicus," and "Roeg-neria czimganica" are merely orthographical variants.
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