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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Sinosenecio

1. Sinosenecio eriopodus C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, Kew Bull. 39: 226. 1984.

毛柄蒲儿根 mao bing pu er gen

Senecio eriopodus Cummins, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1908: 18. 1908, not Klatt (1888).

Herbs, scapigerous. Rhizomes 5-6 mm in diam., densely lanate with long fulvous hairs or sericeous. Stems solitary, erect or somewhat flexuous, to 60 cm tall, lanate with fulvous hairs or sericeous, simple or branched above middle. Leaves few, radical, long petiolate; petiole 5-22 cm, villous with fulvous hairs or sericeous; blade ovate-cordate, 6-13 × 4-10 cm, thickly papery, abaxially densely lanate with fulvous hairs or sericeous, adaxially sparsely sericeous-villous and densely adpressed puberulent, palmately 7-9-veined, veins prominent abaxially, obscure adaxially, base cordate, margin repand-dentate with mucronulate teeth, apex acute or subobtuse, mucronulate. Capitula 8-13 arranged in terminal corymbs, ca. 2 cm in diam.; peduncles 2-4 cm, densely tomentose, ± glabrescent, with a basal linear bract; bracteoles 3 or 4, linear-subulate, membranous. Involucres cylindric, broadly campanulate when flattened, 6-8 × 5-7 mm, not calyculate; phyllaries 8, oblong-lanceolate, 1.5-3.2 mm wide, glabrescent after anthesis, apex acute, subacute, or acuminate. Ray florets 6-10; corolla tube ca. 3 mm; lamina yellow, oblong, 8-15 × 2-2.5 mm, 4-veined, apically obtuse and 3-denticulate. Disk florets numerous; corolla yellow, 6-11 mm, with 3-4 mm tube and campanulate limb; lobes ovate-triangular, apically acute, papillose. Anthers ca. 2 mm, basally obtuse to rounded, appendages ovate-oblong. Style branches ca. 0.8 mm, apex truncate, papillose. Achenes cylindric, ca. 3 mm, smooth, glabrous, ribbed. Pappus white, ca. 6 mm. Fl. Apr-Jun, fr. May-Jul. 2n = 60*.

● Woods, in bushes, on dry rocks near mountain summits; 300-1600 m. E Chongqing, W Hubei, NW Hunan, C Sichuan.

Sinosenecio eriopodus is similar to S. villifer but is easily distinguished by the ovate-cordate leaf blade, which is abaxially densely lanate with fulvous hairs or sericeous. Specimens from Shizhu, E Chongqing, previously referred to S. villifer, belong to this species. Specimens from Luding, W Sichuan, previously identified as this species, actually belong to S. subrosulatus.


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