103. Sinosenecio B. Nordenstam, Opera Bot. 44: 48. 1978.
蒲儿根属 pu er gen shu
Authors: Yilin Chen, Ying Liu, Qiner Yang, Bertil Nordenstam & Charles Jeffrey
Herbs, perennial, rarely annual or biennial, erect, rhizomatous, sometimes stoloniferous, with fibrous roots. Stems scapiform, subscapiform, or leafy, often villous or arachnoid-tomentose, at least when young. Leaves simple, petiolate, all or mostly radical or both radical and stem leaves present; radical leaves rosulate, persistent at anthesis except in some species with leafy stems; blade orbicular or reniform to ovate, rarely ovate-oblong or elliptic, palmately or rarely pinnately veined, moderately deeply to shallowly palmately lobed, toothed, angled, or subentire, basally cordate to subtruncate or rarely rounded or cuneate; petioles of basal leaves sometimes expanded or winged, petioles of stem leaves sometimes winged, base usually expanded into conspicuous, subamplexicaul, entire or toothed auricle. Capitula solitary to numerous, arranged in terminal subumbelliform simple or compound corymbose cymes, heterogamous, radiate, pedunculate. Involucres not calyculate or very occasionally calyculate, cylindric, obconic, or campanulate to broadly campanulate; receptacle flat or convex, alveolate or ciliate; phyllaries (7 or)8-13(-17), uniseriate (or nearly so), linear to ovate, usually lanceolate, apex and on upper margins ciliate or fimbriate-ciliate, margins scarious. Ray florets 6-18, usually 13; lamina yellow, usually oblong or lanceolate-oblong, 4-10-veined, apically shortly dentate. Disk florets numerous; corolla yellow, limb campanulate, lobes 5. Anthers oblong, basally rounded to obtuse, rarely shortly obtuse-sagittate; antheropodia cylindric, somewhat broader than filament, cells uniform; endothecial cell wall thickenings polar, or polar and radial. Style branches recurved, short, truncate or slightly convex, with apical papillae. Achenes cylindric or obovoid-cylindric, ribbed, glabrous or shortly pubescent on ribs, papillate or smooth. Pappus capillary-form, uniform, white, persistent or rarely caducous, present in all florets, absent from ray florets, or absent from all florets. x = 24, 30, rarely 13.
Forty-one species: all occurring in China, mainly in the C and SW regions, only two extending into Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam; 41 species (39 endemic) in China.
Several lines of evidence (morphological, cytological, and molecular) strongly indicate that Sinosenecio as circumscribed herein is still not a monophyletic group and needs a further re-circumscription, even after S. koreanus has been transferred to the genus Tephroseris and S. hainanensis established as a new genus of its own, i.e., Hainanecio. It seems that only those Sinosenecio species with x = 30 and with strictly polar endothecial cell wall thickenings should be retained in the genus Sinosenecio as redefined, whereas those with x = 24 (rarely 13), and with polar and radial endothecial cell wall thickenings may be described as a new genus or transferred to the genus Nemosenecio. No formal taxonomic treatment at the generic level, however, is made herein pending further study.
1 |
Pappus absent in all florets, absent at least in ray florets |
(2) |
+ |
Pappus present in all florets, at least when young |
(14) |
2 (1) |
Pappus absent in ray florets only, present in disk florets; ovaries and achenes glabrous in ray florets, pubescent in disk florets. |
23 S. oldhamianus |
+ |
Pappus absent in all florets; ovaries and achenes glabrous in all florets, rarely sparsely glandular |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Leaf blade pinnately veined, cuneate, truncate, or rounded at base. |
29 S. jishouensis |
+ |
Leaf blade palmately veined, cordate at base |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Capitula small; involucres 2-3 mm in diam. |
28 S. phalacrocarpoides |
+ |
Capitula large; involucres more than 5 mm in diam |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Petioles of radical leaves not expanded at base; peduncles not dilated distally; receptacle hairy |
(6) |
+ |
Petioles of radical leaves expanded at base; peduncles distally dilated; receptacle usually glabrous |
(9) |
6 (5) |
Stem scapiform; leaves all basal or subbasal, rosulate |
(7) |
+ |
Stem not scapiform, with 2-5 stem leaves |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Capitula usually 1 or 2; leaf blade ovate, broadly ovate-orbicular, or reniform, 2-4(-5) × 2.2-5.5 cm, margin subentire to repand-dentate, apex acuminate or shortly caudate. |
10 S. homogyniphyllus |
+ |
Capitula usually 2-9 in subumbelliform corymb; leaf blade ovate or broadly ovate, 4-9 × 4.5-9.5 cm, margin repand or sinuate-dentate, apex rounded. |
11 S. chienii |
8 (6) |
Capitula solitary; leaf blade 1.7-5.5 × 2-6.5 cm, adaxially glabrous or very sparsely pubescent, shiny. |
12 S. yilingii |
+ |
Capitula solitary or several; leaf blade 5-9 × 5-10 cm, adaxially pubescent, not shiny. |
13 S. sichuanicus |
9 (5) |
Stem scapiform; leaves all basal or subbasal, rosulate. |
41 S. qii |
+ |
Stem leafy; both basal and stem leaves present |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Leaf blade abaxially and phyllaries thinly arachnoid-tomentose at least when young; achenes sparsely glandular. |
27 S. phalacrocarpus |
+ |
Leaf blade and phyllaries not arachnoid-tomentose; achenes glabrous |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Leaf blade irregularly 3-5-lobed or repand-dentate; plants stoloniferous or not stoloniferous |
(12) |
+ |
Leaf blade regularly 7-9-lobed to 1/4-1/2; plants not stoloniferous |
(13) |
12 (11) |
Phyllaries abaxially fulvous villous, glandular puberulent, or subglabrous; plants with long stolons or not stoloniferous. |
24 S. globiger |
+ |
Phyllaries abaxially purplish red puberulent; plants with short stolons. |
25 S. leiboensis |
13 (11) |
Leaf blade 7-9-lobed to 1/2, at first sparsely puberulent, later glabrescent on both surfaces; lobes oblong-lanceolate; veins yellowish green. |
26 S. palmatisectus |
+ |
Leaf blade 7-9-lobed to 1/4-1/3, adaxially pubescent with spreading hairs, abaxially pubescent or sometimes glabrescent; lobes deltoid; veins white. |
30 S. albonervius |
14 (1) |
Ovaries and achenes pubescent |
(15) |
+ |
Ovaries and achenes glabrous |
(18) |
15 (14) |
Petioles of stem leaves basally auriculate |
(16) |
+ |
Petioles of stem leaves basally expanded or winged but not auriculate |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Stem slender, erect or flexuous; stem leaves 1-3; leaf blade adaxially villous with spreading hairs, leaf auricles smaller in size. |
14 S. latouchei |
+ |
Stem somewhat stouter, erect; stem leaves 3-7; leaf blade adaxially pubescent with appressed hairs or sparsely or densely white tomentose, leaf auricles larger in size. |
15 S. jiuhuashanicus |
17 (15) |
Petioles of stem leaves basally expanded; leaf blade adaxially pubescent or glabrescent, abaxially densely white tomentose, or villous or glabrescent. |
16 S. guangxiensis |
+ |
Petioles of stem leaves basally winged; leaf blade abaxially sparsely arachnoid, later glabrescent. |
19 S. hunanensis |
18 (14) |
Leaf blade pinnately veined |
(19) |
+ |
Leaf blade palmately veined |
(20) |
19 (18) |
Leaf blade ovate-oblong or elliptic, base cuneate, sparsely puberulent on both surfaces. |
39 S. trinervius |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate-oblong, base cordate, floccose-tomentose on both surfaces. |
36 S. changii |
20 (18) |
Capitula solitary |
(21) |
+ |
Capitula usually 2 to many |
(25) |
21 (20) |
Leaf blade ovate-cordate; capitula 4-5 cm in diam |
(22) |
+ |
Leaf blade orbicular or reniform-orbicular; capitula 2-3 cm in diam |
(23) |
22 (21) |
Leaf blade abaxially densely white lanate; pappus hairs few, shorter than corolla tube, soon deciduous. |
5 S. cyclaminifolius |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially densely fulvous tomentose; pappus hairs numerous, equaling or exceeding corolla tube, persistent. |
6 S. hederifolius |
23 (21) |
Stem without bracts on upper part. |
7 S. rotundifolius |
+ |
Stem with several small bracts on upper part |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Leaf blade 0.8-1.7 × 0.8-2 cm, dark green above; stem subglabrous. |
40 S. nanchuanicus |
+ |
Leaf blade 3-6 × 4-6 cm, green above; stem fulvous villous. |
3 S. dryas |
25 (20) |
Stem leafy, usually with at least 4 stem leaves only slightly smaller than basal leaves, rarely fewer |
(26) |
+ |
Stem scapiform or subscapiform, leafless or with fewer than 4 stem leaves, otherwise with only lanceolate or linear bracts or at most a few reduced, bractlike leaves markedly smaller than radical leaves |
(32) |
26 (25) |
Petioles of stem leaves basally auriculate |
(27) |
+ |
Petioles of stem leaves basally expanded but not auriculate |
(28) |
27 (26) |
Plants 20-75 cm tall; leaf blade 2-5 × 3-8 cm; stem villous-pubescent especially basally; pappus 5-6 mm. |
20 S. euosmus |
+ |
Plants 35-140 cm tall; leaf blade 4-14 × 6-17 cm; stem sparsely pubescent; pappus 3-4 mm. |
33 S. denticulatus |
28 (26) |
Leaf blade ovate-cordate, not divided, margin denticulate. |
31 S. baojingensis |
+ |
Leaf blade reniform, orbicular-reniform, broadly flabellate, or suborbicular, repand-dentate or palmately lobed |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Plants less than 25 cm high; leaf blade 2.5 × 3 cm or less, both surfaces glabrous. |
17 S. wuyiensis |
+ |
Plants more than 30 cm high; leaf blade 3-6 × 4-6 cm, abaxially variously pubescent |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Leaf blade repand-dentate, sparsely villous or glabrescent abaxially. |
32 S. hupingshanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade palmately lobed, arachnoid or white tomentose abaxially |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Leaf blade 7-9-lobed to 1/2; lobes oblong; phyllaries not purplish on upper margin. |
22 S. fangianus |
+ |
Leaf blade shallowly 5-7-lobed, or undivided, only denticulate; lobes broadly deltoid or ovate-deltoid, denticulate; phyllaries purplish on upper margin. |
21 S. sungpanensis |
32 (25) |
Capitula cylindric; phyllaries 8-10 |
(33) |
+ |
Capitula campanulate; phyllaries more than 10 |
(36) |
33 (32) |
Leaf blade ovate-cordate or suborbicular |
(34) |
+ |
Leaf blade reniform |
(35) |
34 (33) |
Leaf blade ovate-cordate, densely lanate with fulvous hairs or sericeous. |
1 S. eriopodus |
+ |
Leaf blade suborbicular, villous with reddish brown hairs or sometimes glabrescent. |
2 S. villifer |
35 (33) |
Stem leaves 1 or 2 near base; leaf blade smaller, 4-9 × 5-8 cm, arachnoid abaxially. |
9 S. subrosulatus |
+ |
Stem leaves absent or with a bractlike leaf on upper part; leaf blade of basal leaves larger, 7-20 × 5-22 cm, villous abaxially. |
8 S. ligularioides |
36 (32) |
Rhizome collar and stem base densely sericeous-villous; capitula 1-3, up to 3 cm in diam. |
4 S. subcoriaceus |
+ |
Rhizome collar and stem base not densely sericeous-villous; capitula few or many, usually 1-2 cm in diam |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Stem villous with reddish brown hairs, more densely so on lower part; leaf blade ciliate at margin |
(38) |
+ |
Stem subglabrous, sparsely arachnoid, or arachnoid-tomentose; leaf blade not ciliate at margin |
(39) |
38 (37) |
Leaf blade orbicular or suborbicular, base cordate or subtruncate, margin shortly ciliate. |
38 S. confervifer |
+ |
Leaf blade broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, base truncate or rounded, margin long ciliate. |
37 S. bodinieri |
39 (37) |
Stem arachnoid-tomentose; leaf blade densely white tomentose abaxially |
(40) |
+ |
Stem subglabrous or sparsely arachnoid; leaf blade usually not white tomentose abaxially, rarely so and later glabrescent |
(41) |
40 (39) |
Leaf blade green adaxially, regularly 7-9-palmatilobed to middle. |
35 S. septilobus |
+ |
Leaf blade whitish or pale green adaxially, hardly divided, repand, or irregularly shallowly lobed. |
34 S. fanjingshanicus |
41 (39) |
Leaf blade broadly flabellate or suborbicular, dentate or palmately lobed to 1/2, lobes apically 2- or 3-denticulate, glabrous on both surfaces. |
17 S. wuyiensis |
+ |
Leaf blade reniform or suborbicular, regularly 5-7-palmatilobed, lobes ovate-triangular, glabrous on both surfaces or sometimes white tomentose abaxially and later glabrescent. |
18 S. saxatilis |
List of lower taxa
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