37. Sinosenecio bodinieri (Vaniot) B. Nordenstam, Opera Bot. 44: 49. 1978.
黔西蒲儿根 qian xi pu er gen
Senecio bodinieri Vaniot, Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 11: 348. 1902; S. bodinieri var. brevior Vaniot; S. bodinieri var. parcepilosus Vaniot; S. palmatilobus Kitamura; Sinosenecio brevior B. Nordenstam; S. palmatilobus (Kitamura) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen.
Herbs, scapigerous. Rhizomes 5-10 mm in diam., clad in persistent brown petiole bases. Stems solitary, rarely 2, erect, scapiform, 10-40 cm tall, villous with brown hairs, especially in lower part, usually with 1 ovate or spatulate bractlike leaf in upper part. Leaves several, radical, rosulate; petiole 3.5-10 cm, densely villous with long reddish brown hairs; blade abaxially pale green, adaxially lustrous, green or deep green, broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, 3-7 × 2.5-5 cm, subleathery, abaxially sparsely adpressed pilose on veins or glabrous, adaxially sparsely or densely villous, long ciliate with purplish brown hairs on margins, palmately 5-7-veined, base truncate or rounded, margin lobed with ovate-deltoid or deltoid mucronulate teeth. Capitula 1.5-2 cm in diam., 1-7, rarely 9, arranged in terminal corymbs, at first rather dense, becoming lax; peduncles 1-6 cm, slender, pubescent or subglabrous, with basal bract and several bracteoles; bracts and bracteoles linear or linear-spatulate, 5-10 mm. Involucres campanulate, 5-7 × 5-7 mm, not calyculate; phyllaries ca. 13, lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, 6-7 × 1-1.5 mm, herbaceous, inconspicuously 3-veined, puberulent, margin broadly scarious, apically acuminate or obtuse, ciliate at apex and on upper margin. Ray florets ca. 13, 9-13 mm; corolla tube 2.5-3 mm, glabrous; lamina yellow, oblong, 8-9 × 1.5-2 mm, 4-veined, apically 3-denticulate. Disk florets many; corolla yellow, ca. 4.5 mm with ca. 2 mm tube and campanulate limb; lobes ovate-lanceolate, ca. 1.5 mm, apically acute. Anthers oblong, ca. 1.5 mm, base obtuse to rounded, appendages lanceolate. Style branches recurved, ca. 0.8 mm. Achenes cylindric, ca. 1.8 mm, smooth, glabrous. Pappus white, 4-4.5 mm. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. May. 2n = 48*.
● Riverbanks, waterfalls, rocky cliffs; 900-1000 m. Guizhou (Huangguoshu, Xingyi).
Sinosenecio bodinieri is very similar to S. confervifer, so much so that they may be treated as being conspecific. The former differs mainly by the leaf blade broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, base truncate or rounded, and margin long ciliate.