37. Senecio filifer Franchet, J. Bot. (Morot). 10: 416. 1896.
匐枝千里光 fu zhi qian li guang
Senecio filifer var. dilatatus Handel-Mazzetti.
Herbs, perennial, stoloniferous, rhizomatous. Stolons slender, with long internodes, leafy or usually leaves reduced to small scales. Stem solitary, erect, 60-100 cm tall, simple, laxly pubescent and sometimes also thinly arachnoid-tomentose when young, glabrescent. Basal leaves mostly present at anthesis; petiole 3-6 cm, often ± winged in upper part, basally expanded but not auriculate; blade pandurate or usually ± lyrate, 12-18 × 3.5-6 cm, papery, glabrous, with large oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, unequally dentate or sinuate-dentate terminal lobe and 2-6 much smaller ovate-triangular to oblong lateral lobes. Median stem leaves with broadly winged petioles or sessile, oblong-lanceolate, blade ± confluent into rounded, dentate, amplexicaul auricle at base, margin coarsely dentate, sometimes ± lyrate-pinnatifid in lower part, apex obtuse. Upper leaves sessile, gradually smaller upward, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, base rounded-auriculate, apex acuminate. Uppermost leaves narrower, apically attenuate or caudate. Capitula numerous, arranged in terminal simple or compound ± subumbelliform corymbs; peduncles 5-10 mm, slender, sparsely puberulent, mostly basally bracteate, bracteoles 2 or 3, linear-subulate. Involucres narrowly campanulate, 4-5 × 2-3 mm, calyculate, bracts of calyculus 3-5, subulate; phyllaries 13, linear, 4-5 × ca. 1 mm, herbaceous, sparsely puberulent, glabrescent, margin broadly scarious, apically obtuse, purplish and puberulent. Ray florets 5; corolla tube ca. 3.5 mm, apically sparsely puberulent; lamina yellow, oblong, 4-4.5 × ca. 1.5 mm, 4-veined, apically 3-denticulate. Disk florets 11-13; corolla yellow, ca. 4.5 mm, with ca. 2 mm tube and funnelform limb; lobes ovate-triangular, ca. 1 mm, apically acute. Anthers ca. 1.7 mm, basally obtuse-auriculate, appendages ovate-lanceolate; antheropodia rather small, slightly dilated in lower half. Style branches ca. 0.5 mm. Achenes cylindric, ca. 2.5 mm, glabrous. Pappus white, ca. 6 mm. Fl. May-Aug.
● Wet places in mixed woods, thicket margins, grassy slopes; 700-3700 m. ?Guizhou, SW Sichuan, Yunnan.