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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Chrysanthemum

15. Chrysanthemum longibracteatum (C. Shih, G. F. Peng & S. Y. Jin) J. M. Wang & Y. T. Hou, Guihaia. 30: 816. 2010.

长苞菊 chang bao ju

Dendranthema longibracteatum C. Shih, G. F. Peng & S. Y. Jin, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 37: 598. 1999.

Herbs, perennial, 60-80 cm tall. Stem erect, sparsely long branched above middle; stems and branches densely gray pubescent. Basal and lower stem leaves not seen. Middle stem leaves subsessile, blade broadly ovate or (?narrowly) elliptic in outline, 1-5 × 1-2 cm, shallowly 2-pinnatipartite, abaxially gray pubescent, adaxially subglabrous; lateral lobes primarily 2-jugate, ultimate lobes elliptic; upper stem leaves smaller, pinnatipartite or 3-partite. Capitula terminal, solitary, 2.4-3 cm in diam.; subtending bracts many, linear, 20-25 × 2-5 mm. Involucre coryliform, 5-7 mm in diam.; phyllaries in 3 rows, outer ones linear or narrowly elliptic, ca. 7 × 2 mm, margin hyaline-membranous, apex obtuse or acuminate, middle and inner ones narrowly oblong, ca. 8 × 2 mm. Ray floret lamina apricot-colored, apex 2- or 3-toothed; disk florets many, apricot-colored. Achenes pyramidal, ca. 1 mm. Fl. and fr. Oct.

● Woodland margins, along paths; ca. 100 m. Shandong (Jinan).


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