4a. Paragymnopteris bipinnata var. bipinnata
川西金毛裸蕨(原变种) chuan xi jin mao luo jue (yuan bian zhong)
Gymnopteris bipinnata Christ, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 1: 55. 1909; Hemionitis bipinnata (Christ) Mickel; Paraceterach bipinnata (Christ) R. M. Tryon.
Stipe 10-22 cm × 1-3 mm; lamina 15-25 × 3-7 cm, 2-pinnate (apical portion 1-pinnate). Pinnae 10-17 pairs, lanceolate or deltoid-lanceolate, imparipinnate. Lateral pinnules 1-6 pairs, ovate or narrowly ovate, shortly stalked or sessile, base somewhat cordate, margins entire or rarely with 1 or 2 small lobes, apex obtuse; terminal pinnule as lateral ones but larger and with longer stalk.
● Rock cliffs, rock crevices by ditches; 1100-3200 m. Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan.
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