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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Pteridaceae | Haplopteris

2. Haplopteris doniana (Mettenius ex Hieronymus) E. H. Crane, Syst. Bot. 22: 514. 1998.

带状书带蕨 dai zhuang shu dai jue

Vittaria doniana Mettenius ex Hieronymus, Hedwigia 57: 204. 1916; V. forrestiana Ching.

Rhizome thick, shortly creeping; scales yellow-brown, bright iridescent, soft, twisted, linear-lanceolate, 10-20 × 1-2.5 mm, lower margin subentire, upper part minutely denticulate, apex long acuminate, areole wall thin. Fronds clustered; stipe thick, short, 1-2 cm; lamina thick leathery, shrunken when dry, ribbonlike, 15-35+ × 1-3 cm, widest at middle or above, base long attenuate and winged on stipe, margin cartilaginous, apex long attenuate or caudate; costa thick, slightly raised adaxially, keeled abaxially. Soral line 1-2 mm from margin, superficial; paraphyses long, with head obconic, longer than wide. Spores monolete, oblong in outline, surface rugate.

Epiphytic or epilithic; 1600-3300 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Xizang, Yunnan [N India, N Myanmar].

Vittaria forrestiana perhaps represents a thin-fronded form of this species, which was found mainly from NW Yunnan. The reports of Haplopteris doniana from Thailand, Indochina, and Japan are all misidentifications of H. amboinensis (V. amboinensis Fée).


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