3. Carex subg. Vignea (P. Beauvois ex T. Lestiboudois) Petermann, Deutschl. Fl. 602. 1849.
二柱薹草亚属 er zhu tai cao ya shu
Authors: Prof. Song-Yun Liang, Tetsuo Koyama & Gordon C. Tucker
Vignea P. Beauvois ex T. Lestiboudois, Essai Cyp. 22. 1819.
Rhizome short or creeping. Flowers unisexual; plants monoecious, rarely dioecious. Spikes usually numerous, bisexual, androgynous or gynaecandrous, rarely spikes entirely male or female, ovate, oblong, or orbicular, sessile, arranged in spicate, paniculate, or capitate inflorescence, rarely paniculiform or spicate-paniculate, not prophyllate at base. Utricles plano-convex or biconvex, globose or elliptic, rarely inflated. Nutlets plano-convex or biconvex; stigmas 2, rarely 3.
About 350 species: ± worldwide, mostly temperate; 48 species (nine endemic) in 17 sections (one endemic) in China.
1 |
Spikes gynaecandrous |
(2) |
+ |
Spikes androgynous (rarely entirely male or female), plants rarely dioecious |
(8) |
2 (1) |
Stigmas 3. |
63 C. sect. Gibbae |
+ |
Stigmas 2 |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Involucral bracts leaflike, conspicuously longer than inflorescence |
(4) |
+ |
Involucral bracts glumelike or setaceous |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Spikes distantly alternate on an elongate rachis, forming loosely spicate inflorescence. |
64 C. sect. Remotae |
+ |
Spikes forming a densely capitate inflorescence. |
65 C. sect. Cyperoideae |
5 (3) |
Utricles usually minutely papillose or minutely tuberculate, beakless or with short beak subentire or emarginate at orifice. |
69 C. sect. Glareosae |
+ |
Utricles neither minutely papillose nor minutely tuberculate, with long beak 2-toothed at orifice |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Utricles patent at maturity, not winged on margins. |
68 C. sect. Stellulatae |
+ |
Utricles erect at maturity, winged on margins |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Lower involucral bracts setaceous (rarely leaflike, not more than 5 cm, not more than 2 × as long as inflorescence). |
66 C. sect. Ovales |
+ |
Lower involucral bracts leaflike, exceeding inflorescence. |
67 C. sect. Planatae |
8 (1) |
Stigmas 3; plants monoecious, rarely dioecious; female glumes 10-15 mm; spikes unisexual (very rarely androgynous), numerous, densely crowded into a larger inflorescence. |
62 C. sect. Macrocephalae |
+ |
Stigmas 2; plants monoecious; female glumes less than 5 mm |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Utricles strongly inflated bulliform to globose or elliptic at maturity, 10-15 mm. |
60 C. sect. Physodeae |
+ |
Utricles not inflated at maturity, less than 6 mm |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Rhizome long creeping |
(11) |
+ |
Rhizome short; culms tufted |
(13) |
11 (10) |
Utricles winged on margins or narrowly winged on distal margins, beak scabrous, more than 0.25 mm, usually 2-toothed at apex (suture abaxial); leaf sheath opposite blade herbaceous and membranous only near orifice. |
58 C. sect. Holarrhenae |
+ |
Utricles not winged on margins, beak less than 0.25 mm, margins smooth or serrulate |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Utricles plano-convex, margins acutely angled, beak serrulate. |
59 C. sect. Foetidae |
+ |
Utricles biconvex, margins rounded, beak smooth. |
61 C. sect. Dispermae |
13 (10) |
Utricles spongy at base |
(14) |
+ |
Utricles not spongy at base |
(15) |
14 (13) |
Leaf sheaths red-brown or yellow punctate, not rugulose. |
56 C. sect. Heleoglochin |
+ |
Leaf sheaths transversely rugulose, not punctate. |
57 C. sect. Vulpinae |
15 (13) |
Utricles nerveless. |
53 C. sect. Echinochloomorphae |
+ |
Utricles veined |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Culms with nodes, thickened to bulbous at base. |
54 C. sect. Thomsonianae |
+ |
Culms without nodes, not thickened at base. |
55 C. sect. Phleoideae |
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