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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Fabaceae Tribe GALEGEAE

24. Astragalus sect. Chrysopteri Y. C. Ho, Bull. Bot. Lab. N. E. Forest. Inst., Harbin. 1980(8): 56. 1980.

金翼组 jin yi zu

Plants herbaceous, with long developed stems. Stem and rachis subglabrous to glabrous. Stipules free from petiole and from each other. Inflorescences several in axil of upper stem. Pedicels 1-2 mm. Bracteoles absent. Petals yellow; wings shorter than stan­dard, limbs with a long, linear-acute auricle 2-4.5 mm, mostly as long as or longer than claw; keel longer than wings. Stigma gla­brous. Legumes keeled ventrally and dorsally, 1-locular, with thin walls.

● Two species: China.

1 Leaflets glabrous adaxially, sparsely covered abaxially with hairs 0.1-0.3 mm; calyx glabrous or with a few hairs at upper margins and teeth; petals all of nearly equal length, 8-13 mm; legumes glabrous.   185 A. chrysopterus
+ Leaflets adaxially very sparsely and abaxially more densely covered with hairs 0.6-1 mm; calyx white and black hairy; standard and keel 14-15 mm, wings ca. 10 mm; legumes black or white and black hairy.   184 A. brevialatus


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