1. Astragalus sect. Ankylotus Bunge, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Pétersbourg, sér. 7. 11(16): 15. 1868.
钩荚组 gou jia zu
Plants annual, with basifixed hairs. Stipules whitish membranous, shortly adnate to petiole, free from each other. Racemes mostly with a distinct peduncle, loose to rather dense. Calyx tubular. Petals unequal in length; standard in middle strongly transverse-elliptically dilated, at base with a distinct claw, toward apex abruptly tonguelike narrowed; limbs of wings incised at tip. Legumes sessile, curved, with a bent to hooked beak, obtusely keeled ventrally, deeply grooved dorsally, at least in middle part completely 2-locular; valves with a double indumentum consisting of short appressed and long spreading hairs.
Four species: Afghanistan, China, N India, Pakistan, Russia; C and SW Asia; three species in China.
1 |
Stems densely obliquely spreading villous; racemes sessile or with a peduncle up to 3 cm; legumes with longer hairs up to 2 mm. |
3 A. stalinskyi |
+ |
Stems with appressed or more rarely ascending hairs; racemes with a peduncle 0.5-12 cm; legumes with longer hairs up to 1 mm |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Stipules 1.5-2 mm; calyx 4-5 mm; legumes 7-15(-20) mm, with a bent beak. |
2 A. gracilipes |
+ |
Stipules 3-5 mm; calyx 5-8 mm; legumes 20-40 mm, with a hooked beak. |
1 A. commixtus |
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